Author Topic: Who won the scenario?  (Read 5707 times)

Offline JVboob

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2015, 02:13:32 AM »
Yeah, but no one wants to read your "AAR's" at work.

Here, folks like me like reading your AAR's about scenario action.  :aok

Very true, they mostly read the same "On the above date and approximte time this R/O (reporting officer) saw blahh blahh blahh restraints placed on blah blah inmate escorted to SHU blah blah blah, or the exciting ones where you get to articulate a use of force :/ very boring dry and dull.

These however are fun to read :P I need to put one together
"Sighhhhhhhhhh, office closed do to ice for a day, And I miss a thread like this.."HiTech
Armed N Hammered 2002-2003
JG44 Night Hawks/JV44 Butcher Birds 2003-2009
49th Fighter Group fightn' 49ers Feb2012-present
138th FW Tulsa, OK 2009-2015