Desert War 1941 - '42
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This setup is based on the first and second Libyan campaigns that were
conducted from early 1941 until mid 1942. The desert war raged back and
forth from El Agheila in the west to El Alamein in the east as the British and
their common wealth allies battled the Afrika Corps and their Italian allies for
control of the North African coast and the Southern Mediterranean Sea.
Allies (Bishops)
- B-25C
- Boston III
- Hurri I
- Hurri IIc
- Hurr IId
- P-40C
- P-40E
- P-40F
- Spit V
- C-47
- Fi 156
Vehicle Bases:
- Hurri I
- Hurri IIc
- Hurr IId
- P-40C
- P-40E
- P-40F
- Spit V
- M3
- M4(75)
- M8
- M16
- Jeep
- Fi 156
Axis (Knights)
- He 111
- Ju 88
- Ju 87D
- Bf 110C
- Bf 109E-4
- Bf 109F-4
- C.202
- C-47
- Fi 156
Vehicle Bases:
- Bf 109E-4
- Bf 109F-4
- C.202
- Sdkfz
- Panzer IV F
- M8
- M16
- Jeep
- Fi 156
Both sides-223
Icons: Enemy Icons 2k, Friendly at 3K
Radar: Full Friendly, Full Enemy
Radar Alt: 200 ft
Fuel Burn: 1.3x
Auto ack at reduced settings
Object Downtime: 1.5x