Author Topic: Aces High Ads?  (Read 2020 times)


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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2015, 06:06:54 PM »
You do realize that this commercial is from like 10 YEARS ago right?

While the changes you made are good the whole thing is very dated. A new one of course would have the new graphics, but the layout whould have to change. No time to show ALL the things you can do in Aces High (like this one tries to do) but show only a few with bolder dynamics, more in your face action, to catch the players of todays attention. Once they come check out the game THEN let them know whats available.

Yes I do know its old and dated. Yet my point remains unchanged as I dont see anything I suggested that wouldnt work equally as well with the new version graphics and all. In a sense visually you are suggesting what I am suggesting. Thing is even if it goes by quickly. Its a lot easier to follow a story line of sorts as opposed to splashes of this that and the other thing all hodgpodged together

From a script standpoint the message is still the same regardless of how dated or current the version is
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Offline Bizman

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2015, 03:25:22 PM »
Hi Bizman, Can you block YouTube ads on a phone? I'm finding conflicting info online, and don't want to corrupt my phone with bad programs.

Thanks, Buck
Sorry for the late answer, I was on a holiday trip for a few days, AFK all of the time.

About your question, I haven't seen a single Youtube ad on my phone yet. Then again, I haven't seen any Youtube video on it either. It's a Nokia 6310, suppose that explains a lot...  :salute
Quote from: BaldEagl, applies to myself, too
I've got an older system by today's standards that still runs the game well by my standards.


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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2015, 04:12:48 PM »
Yes I do know its old and dated. Yet my point remains unchanged as I dont see anything I suggested that wouldnt work equally as well with the new version graphics and all. In a sense visually you are suggesting what I am suggesting. Thing is even if it goes by quickly. Its a lot easier to follow a story line of sorts as opposed to splashes of this that and the other thing all hodgpodged together

From a script standpoint the message is still the same regardless of how dated or current the version is


A lot of the syntax and imagery you created reminds me of the syntax and imagery from a competitor. That is another issue of advertisement which has to be avoided. You don't look good on many levels if your advertisements sound or look like the competition. The Internet generation wants everything free, and the competition is free, even if it is a deceptive hook to get around "pay to win".

Your assertions to the psychology of the current generation of gamers is sound. The competition's advertisements prove that. Also be careful where your seemingly unique ideas gestated out of. You may well have visited the competition, or suffered through their advertisements with the rest of us over the last few years.

Steal and modify is a standard concept in advertisement. Good ideas are good ideas. Sounding or looking like the competition other than the accepted stages to present the pitch upon is not. Unless you have a paradigm shift for the industry in your new product like the horseless carriage versus the buggy whip. 
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.


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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #33 on: June 30, 2015, 10:42:18 PM »

A lot of the syntax and imagery you created reminds me of the syntax and imagery from a competitor. That is another issue of advertisement which has to be avoided. You don't look good on many levels if your advertisements sound or look like the competition. The Internet generation wants everything free, and the competition is free, even if it is a deceptive hook to get around "pay to win".

Your assertions to the psychology of the current generation of gamers is sound. The competition's advertisements prove that. Also be careful where your seemingly unique ideas gestated out of. You may well have visited the competition, or suffered through their advertisements with the rest of us over the last few years.

Steal and modify is a standard concept in advertisement. Good ideas are good ideas. Sounding or looking like the competition other than the accepted stages to present the pitch upon is not. Unless you have a paradigm shift for the industry in your new product like the horseless carriage versus the buggy whip.

Yea I know its a bit long winded. apologies in advance and please bear with me to make my points.

I only on very rare occasion visit many other gaming sites to be polluted by their ads. and I dont watch a whole lot of TV lately. But I get what you are saying.

I dont claim my ideas are unique, The fact other games may have used that format certainly isnt unique. Nor was the style used in that AH commercial anything unique.

Storytelling in commercials is a quite common practice. You cant steal a common practice

Here is one good one from that search

See. Nothing unique about storytelling

First let me say. My business is not AH.  Two different animals. Im not looking to step on toes nor tell anyone how to run things. I am merely offering suggestions based on my experiences of what I find works and doesnt.

But there are certain things that translate to each other or businesses as a whole.

As an example. A Gaming companys "bug fixes" are basically the same idea as my "touch ups"

Sales far as Im concerned are sales. No matter if you are selling used cars or widgets. The principles for the most part remain the same. The idea is to get people to buy into your service or product.

Im basing my  suggestions on 30+ years of having to by necessity sell myself as well as my business,the businesses and depts Ive had to work for, to other people,departments, and entities etc.

There are a few things Ive learned both through trial and error and sheer observation over the years that work well and others not as much and Ill try and break down the reasoning behind the suggestions I put forth.

Firstly neither of us have huge budgets for advertising. So you have to make the most with what you have.

Name recognition is a big big seller. Having a GREAT name helps (I have one Im told). But in advertising. One of the main reasons for name recognition isnt the commercials themselves. But how often you are inundated with it. For example Who doesnt hate those loud car dealership commercials we see and hear almost constantly? We all hate them but I bet you that most everyone here could name a few near you off the top of your head.

This works not because they are good commercials. (Most are annoying at best). But repetition. Because of the sheer number of times the commercial is aired and the viewer or listen is forced to experience it. You can only do this with a large advertising budget. In that instance almost any commercial will work. Whats that saying about getting people to believe something by saying it over and over again? Same principle.

Ok neither of us can go there. Ok so what works when you dont have sheer repetition on your side?
Well lets look at what we know people dont like.And what they do

First, While some can fall for it. Most people dont like or respond well to fast talk. Be it verbally or visually.
I find most people from millionaires to executives, to everyday working class shmo want to be talked to. Not talked at or fast talked. Now lets go back to that car commercial again. Often accompanied by different makes and models flashing by the screen. Annoying isnt it?

The flashing item works for places like the box home improvement stores and other commercials because your being told a story along with the description of what you are seeing that you can buy. Slightly less repetitious by every bit as effective "AHAH I can get that new chop saw and the floor trim at (insert box store name)" And definitely less annoying.

Still. A lot of that  while less repetitious then the car dealer is still overly repetitious. Well we cant afford that either .

So what can we use?
People love to be told a story. Dont think so? Tell everyone to get rid of their TVs and swear never to go to the movies. good luck with that.

Ok now that we agree people love to be told stories we can move back to advertising.
Rather then flashcards, or flash video clips. Tell a story. People will remember it longer.

That car commercial. Do you remember what cars were shown? Probably not. "one was a truck, one was an SUV, One was a sedan. and a coupe others I dont remember." Right? But yo do remember through sheer repetition the name of that damn dealership!

Now what about the commercials you remember the commercial itself?. What do they have in common? They were entertaining and they all tell stories.

I tell stories by not talking at, or fast talking by saying I can do this that and the other thing yea yea yea. But by talking to people like people and telling them exactly what is going to happen and what they are going to get when I get to their home. I'll often use other often humorous stories of similar situations because they find it entertaining and lets the customer feel more at ease. Key word. "Entertaining"

If you can make a story entertaining, something they can follow. People will remember it.
Bet ya remember what kind of beer the most interesting man in the world drinks. And he makes drinking even if it tastes like crap.

Its the stories.

Flashclips "You can have this that the other thing yea yea" are too hard to follow. Especially if you are limited as to how often you can deliver them.

But you can follow a story line.  Outside of pure repetition story line the most successful way to get people to remember. I get people that call me back sometimes 8-10 months later for something because they remember me telling them I a story about something or things I did for someone else. And have had others that couldnt remember the other things I listed I could do 2 days after me listing them.


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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #34 on: June 30, 2015, 10:44:01 PM »

Try this. Find someone and say these words

Fighter planes
aircraft carrier

then the next day ask them to repeat the list

Odds are they will forget half the things you listed

then try telling them a short but interesting story about B17's dropping bombs on a target and get attacked by a 262. The fightercover goes after the enemy planes then drops bombs on tanks. meanwhile planes took off from an aircraft carrier to attack an enemy ship and a cruiser battle.

I bet you a months subscription they remember most of the story before they remember the list.

Other gaming companies use story lines for one simple reason. They are the most effective. That not unique Thats as common a lure as a spinner bait. As a hook. you toss in something for free. But its gotta be something worth biting on. I frequently toss in freebies other people charge for (as does HTC) But I know that once Im there. because of the quality of my work There is a better then 90% chance I am getting called for more work as have an over 90% retention rate and most of the rest are moving.

You get someone here for a month.The quality of the game itself is such that many if not most are staying. And a good deal of those that go elsewhere for the bogus "free to play" will come back for HTCs honest all inclusive price.

HTC has one other major thing going for it we also share in common.
You get to deal with them, the core company and not just some paid representative. I dont know how much people realize how respected that personal experience is by customers and what a good impression that makes.

How impressed would you be if you called to complain about Windows and you got Bill Gates on the line as opposed to Shakira Bamachuma from Delhi India? (no offense to Indians intended)

Finally. Im not saying to use my exact story line. what I listed were mere examples to a point I am trying to make. If that storyline is similar to another game. Simply change the story line around. But telling a story visually over flashing disconnected clips is going to be far more effective barring having the funds to inundate people with repetitive commercials

Like I said at the beginning. I am not trying to step on any toes. Just offering some help and an outside view based on what I see as some of the few similarities we share and my own experiences on what has worked extremely well for me (For the record. The last time I figured it all out. I get 85% of the work I go after so I must be doing something right) and how I though it might translate over.

Now. If they think my thoughts and opinions are good and use them. Great. Im not looking for recognition or accolades. Im just proud to had helped. My reasons are simple. I just want the game to succeed.

If not. Well I fully recognize that what I find works for me they might not. Thats cool too.
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Offline bustr

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2015, 01:26:26 AM »
Our next generation of AH players will be gamers. They may be irritating children and other such descriptions. But, they will quickly let HTC know if there is no difference to them in the advertisements.

Instead of us swinging our male parts around to see who's Is bigger, let Hitech handle his own advertisements. Quantity is only making you and I look silly.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Shrike

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #36 on: July 03, 2015, 10:46:02 AM »
Have any of you used Periscope?  I downloaded the app early on.  It was free then it may cost something now.  It's amusing at best but you can attract an audience from just about anywhere in the world.

I did a broadcast last night while fighting in a Hellcat near a CV.  About 8 joined the broadcast 2 or 3 stuck with the 5 minute broadcast and where quite interested.  They saw me make a high speed pass on a formation of B-26's and land on a CV (on handed :O).  I answered several questions.

I used an iphone 4.  The camera stinks so the video was grainy.   Someone could do it better with a better phone but this might be a small way to attract interest without HTC having to break the bank for advertising.
AKShrike - CO Arabian Knights
USAF 85-95

Offline Schwalbee

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #37 on: July 03, 2015, 10:52:17 AM »
Have any of you used Periscope?  I downloaded the app early on.  It was free then it may cost something now.  It's amusing at best but you can attract an audience from just about anywhere in the world.

I did a broadcast last night while fighting in a Hellcat near a CV.  About 8 joined the broadcast 2 or 3 stuck with the 5 minute broadcast and where quite interested.  They saw me make a high speed pass on a formation of B-26's and land on a CV (on handed :O).  I answered several questions.

I used an iphone 4.  The camera stinks so the video was grainy.   Someone could do it better with a better phone but this might be a small way to attract interest without HTC having to break the bank for advertising.
Some of us can just stream on twitch, it's the biggest game streaming service or there. Stream during a large mission and ppl will surely get interested.

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Offline mthrockmor

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #38 on: July 03, 2015, 09:27:09 PM »

This is the ad that brought me to AH many a moon ago.

No poor dumb bastard wins a war by dying for his country, he wins by making the other poor, dumb, bastard die for his.
George "Blood n Guts" Patton

Offline Reaper90

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2015, 11:47:53 PM »
This is the ad that brought me to AH many a moon ago.


<--- mee toooooo

Remember seeing it on History Channel, IIRC while watching DogFights..... looked at the wife..... she rolled her eyes... went down hill from there.....
'Murican dude in a Brit Squad flying Russian birds, drinking Canadian whiskey

Offline Bizman

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #40 on: July 04, 2015, 01:25:27 AM »
According to Alan Wolk's article in the Guardian, Time is running out for the 30-second TV commercial, 84% of viewers would like to fast forward the ads, 60% record the shows to skip the commercials, 80% of SuperBowl ads don't increase sales for companies... Doesn't look like a profitable way to invest our monthly $15.
Quote from: BaldEagl, applies to myself, too
I've got an older system by today's standards that still runs the game well by my standards.


Offline Schwalbee

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #41 on: July 04, 2015, 03:15:01 AM »
According to Alan Wolk's article in the Guardian, Time is running out for the 30-second TV commercial, 84% of viewers would like to fast forward the ads, 60% record the shows to skip the commercials, 80% of SuperBowl ads don't increase sales for companies... Doesn't look like a profitable way to invest our monthly $15.
I agree ads arnt the best idea anymore. I feel the best type of exposure for the game has to come from the players. For example some of the younger tech savvy guys who play, can stream on websites like Twitch. It is a live broadcast of your game so probably don't do it during an important mission or just don't tell anyone playing AH your streaming. But this would expose the game to many flight sim guys already in the genre who don't know about AH,and you can interact with them and let them know.

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« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 03:16:40 AM by Schwalbee »

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #42 on: July 04, 2015, 09:20:09 AM »
I agree ads arnt the best idea anymore. I feel the best type of exposure for the game has to come from the players. For example some of the younger tech savvy guys who play, can stream on websites like Twitch. It is a live broadcast of your game so probably don't do it during an important mission or just don't tell anyone playing AH your streaming. But this would expose the game to many flight sim guys already in the genre who don't know about AH,and you can interact with them and let them know.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

.... and social media. While we have someone working on it it needs to be MUCH more active. Daily post are a must! It doesn't just need to be about game activities but anything WWII.

1100 a post about how so-and-so, so-and-so, so-and-so, and so-and-so, of the Bish just took field A47!
1200 a post about a picture found on the web with a short story.
1300 a post about a warbird pulled from lake Michigan
1400 a post from the BBS Midwar, a place to gain perks or fight a war?
1500 a post about a fight between player so-and-so, vs player so-and-so, link to a youtube video
1600 a post about how the bish have now captured tank town island, Can the Knits and Rooks battle back?
1700 a post about another photo on the internet with a question about, like can you name this squadron?
1800 Bish win map! the Grinder map is now up in the LW Main arena!

8 posts. Some would generate a discussion adding to the post count. The more active the account the more it gets noticed. The more it gets noticed the more other people look to see whats going on. Even if they are not interested in WWII someone may say something about WWII and they jump in with what little bit of info they have spotted and a new person comes to check it out. 50-100 posts a day would be easy to hit, add in a picture or two of the new version and you could double it.

The point is that it must be much more active.

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #43 on: July 04, 2015, 09:38:51 AM »
See rule #4
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 09:41:23 AM by hitech »
"Then out spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the gate:
 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
 And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds.
 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."

Offline mthrockmor

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Re: Aces High Ads?
« Reply #44 on: July 04, 2015, 11:20:57 AM »
See Rule #14
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 08:09:21 AM by Skuzzy »
No poor dumb bastard wins a war by dying for his country, he wins by making the other poor, dumb, bastard die for his.
George "Blood n Guts" Patton