Author Topic: New system unable  (Read 2459 times)

Offline Dragon Tamer

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Re: New system unable
« Reply #45 on: July 28, 2015, 02:36:22 PM »
If I am reading you correctly, you are simply stating that an out dated CPU could also be a bottleneck and recommendations in that area would also be helpful.  Your comparison made that point, but as the OP seemed to think, his computer plays AH2 great but is junk for Alpha. 

I don't have a real suggestion for a CPU right now since I don't have access to a large number of them. All I can say is that right now, the i3 is better than the D 945.

I do have an AMD motherboard and processor in another one of my computers that isn't even able to load up the the current game, let alone the alpha. However the benchmarks for that CPU are higher than the D 945 so I was going to drop my 760 into it and see if I can get something going. I'll post the results from that once I finally have the time to do it.

In any case, I had plans of replacing the CPU and motherboard on the current system to bring it up to current standards. I'll probably re-purpose the old ones and sell it as an HTPC or low end browsing computer or something...

As it's been said before though, things are subject to change so it may turn out that a lower end CPU like the AMD and D 945 my be able to run it decently in the future.

Offline pembquist

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Re: New system unable
« Reply #46 on: July 28, 2015, 03:02:45 PM »
I attach a DXDIAG from my dinking around AH2 computer. It's toast for the alpha but does ok enough for AH2 for me. My question is about buying a new video card for it. I am under the impression that nobody can know for sure what will work well with the new version although it sounds like Nvidia might be less desireable? What I'd like some advice on is if a new sub 200 dollar card would be just a waste of money as far as running the new version goes and what card i should get. (assuming the cpu/mobo might have to be replaced in the future, though it sounds like its all about the card.) I ain't no video gamer so the prospect of having to shell out a grand for a new box might be a bridge too far. As it is alpha gets 7fps in the tower by the time you overcome the mouse lag to turn everything down and off. AH2 gets 60 with detail and 4 miles on the sliders no boxes checked and only detailed water checked on the advanced page. No antialiasing, 1680 x 1050. Thanks for any help.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 05:26:16 PM by pembquist »
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Offline bustr

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Re: New system unable
« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2015, 03:10:19 PM »
1. - Caldera's PC: Hewlett-Packard 500-147c
2. - From it's specifications page at HP:
Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD Integrated graphics
*Integrated video is not available if a graphics card or an Intel processor ending with “P” is installed.
•A processor that supports graphics is required for integrated graphics to be enabled.
•Integrated graphics: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD (DX10.1)
•Either integrated graphics or the PCI Express x16 slot are usable at one time; they are not usable concurrently.
•Use of both DVI ports at the same time is supported.

3. - Caldera's CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3330S CPU @ 2.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz

This is probably his CPU:

4. - Here is his system board: Joshua-H61-uATX (Joshua)

5. - Expansion slot available:

•1 PCI Express x16 (Gen2.0)

•3 PCI Express x1 (Gen2.0)

•1 PCI Express Mini Card x1


Go here to see full specs on most CPU:
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: New system unable
« Reply #48 on: July 28, 2015, 03:30:58 PM »
I attach a DXDIAG from my dinking around AH2 computer. It's toast for the alpha but does ok enough for AH2 for me. My question is about buying a new video card for it. I am under the impression that nobody can know for sure what will work well with the new version although it sounds like Nvidia might be less desireable? What I'd like some advice on is if a new sub 200 dollar card would be just a waste of money as far as running the new version goes and what card i should get. (assuming the cpu/mobo might have to be replaced in the future, though it sounds like its all about the card.) I ain't no video gamer so the prospect of having to shell out a grand for a new box might be a bridge too far. As it is alpha gets 7fps in the tower by the time you overcome the mouse lag to turn everything down and off. AH2 gets 60 with detail and 4 miles on the sliders no boxes checked and only detailed water checked on the advanced page. No antialiasing, 1680 x 1050. Thanks for any help.

No one knows the answer to that question yet. The current code is not optimized for playing. Just beating up your system to help Hitech find bugs and development.

My video card has 1G GDDR5 RAM, 128bit data paths and a Band Width of 80Gbyte sec. In the current environment I get 30FPS sitting on the runway and 40-47 flying around below 5000ft with the defaults turned on in 1024 Mode.

ATI or NVIDIA is not the issue. I suspect it will come down to GDDR3 versus GDDR5 video RAM. You will be able to play with GDDR3 but, GDDR5 will probably allow you to turn on more things as your Band Width becomes higher than 80Gbyte sec.

Waiting for Hitech to announce he is at the optimizing game play stage will be more helpful for making future plans.

If you want to look at a spread sheet format of quite a number of video cards. Scroll down to the section with HD6450 to HD6670. It specifies GDDR3 or GDDR5 and look at the difference between the two same cards band width.

Memory, Data Paths, and Band Width:
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: New system unable
« Reply #49 on: July 28, 2015, 03:33:36 PM »
I attach a DXDIAG from my dinking around AH2 computer. It's toast for the alpha but does ok enough for AH2 for me. My question is about buying a new video card for it. I am under the impression that nobody can know for sure what will work well with the new version although it sounds like Nvidia might be less desireable? What I'd like some advice on is if a new sub 200 dollar card would be just a waste of money as far as running the new version goes and what card i should get. (assuming the cpu/mobo might have to be replaced in the future, though it sounds like its all about the card.) I ain't no video gamer so the prospect of having to shell out a grand for a new box might be a bridge too far. As it is alpha gets 7fps in the tower by the time you overcome the mouse lag to turn everything down and off. AH2 gets 60 with detail and 4 miles on the sliders no boxes checked and only detailed water checked on the advanced page. No antialiasing, 1680 x 1050. Thanks for any help.

Why is Nvidia less desirable? I can run everything full detail high resolution on a Nvidia GTS 780ti, works great
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Offline pembquist

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Re: New system unable
« Reply #50 on: July 28, 2015, 05:07:20 PM »
Why is Nvidia less desirable? I can run everything full detail high resolution on a Nvidia GTS 780ti, works great

Don't misunderstand I'm not saying it IS less desireable just that to a know nothing reading the top of page 2 of this thread it sounds like there is some draw back. Quoted:

"As far as SLI goes, do not expect it to do much of anything for the game.  The current Aces High SLI profile,  supplied by NVidia, is for Aces High I.  It's not even optimized for Aces High 2.  NVidia has been slow to supply SLI profiles for many games.  Getting them to update the SLI profile for Aces High is going to be tough.

And yes, NVidia has to supply the profile."
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Offline bustr

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Re: New system unable
« Reply #51 on: July 28, 2015, 05:11:21 PM »
We no longer have fist fights about our Chevy or Ford we run street 1\4 miles with. Now we take umbrage at any dissing of our PC......... she's real fine my 409, 409, 409.... :O

My PC can CoD your PC and make you cry like a little girl online..... :noid

Build your own profile and try and make it work. Talk to Chalenge.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline pembquist

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Re: New system unable
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2015, 05:30:14 PM »
Just added the dxdiag i forgot to attach to the original post. I see all the cards and am overwhelmed.
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: New system unable
« Reply #53 on: July 28, 2015, 05:48:08 PM »
Your video card is less powerful than the minimum HTC is shooting for in the alpha.

I gave up on your MB as a system four form factors ago, so I am not sure where to tell you to make improvements other than the GPU.

EDIT: The older version (AHII) focused on the CPU from what Skuzzy has said recently. So, it used to be that SLI only improved things when it came to crunching the larger textures (discovered through experimentation rather than technical knowledge).

AHIII will focus more on the GPU, which means that SLI may provide greater scaling. I say "may," because we still do not have the final version. As far as the Alpha version of AHIII is concerned it does take individual configuration on the user's part to get the best performance, On 4k I get something like 30% scaling, but if I fall back to 1440p I can push scaling up to 90-100% (it still varies). My tests have been on a multiplexing bus, which I will be changing out tomorrow to test the X99 SLI scaling in the Alpha version.

Right now if you were to ask me for a GPU suggestion I would recommend the GTX 970, GTX 980, or the 980Ti, but those are only recommendations that focus on long term usage. If you need something to get you through the holidays I might say something else.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 06:02:57 PM by Chalenge »
If you like the Sick Puppy Custom Sound Pack the please consider contributing for future updates by sending a months dues to Hitech Creations for account "Chalenge." Every little bit helps.

Offline Bizman

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Re: New system unable
« Reply #54 on: July 29, 2015, 01:28:28 AM »
I'm not here to be bashed on. I just said that ah2 works GREAT with full settings. So I was surprised the alpha was such a jump.
Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. Although it doesn't justify my action, this question has been asked and answered multiple times almost every day now.

Here's a more polite answer to your question: The alpha is much more dependent on the graphics chip than AH2. Also Intel video chips have known issues with AH, causing icons to show as grey boxes although the FPS may be good etc.

Again, sorry.  :salute