the game is about balance. not necessarily realistic, but not necessarily fake either. sure its got its share of things that could never be done, but that's part of the balance. if its too realistic, you'll lose people. if its too gamey, you'll lose people. the game is balanced to do a little of both. its not a re-creation of world war 2, otherwise the first time you died, you would be banned from the game, and no none would shoot at each other.
I don't want to play a game where I have to worry about trim, or propeller pitch, or attitude.... I want to hit the E key, fly around in a relatively realistic looking airplane and shoot at people shooting at me! I want to get together with a bunch of guys, and try to capture a base, or try to blow up a HQ. that's my draw to the game.
you want realism try flying dcs.... its crap! yeah it looks great, but I cant fly it. I CAN however fly Aces high.
long and short, enjoy aces high for what it is, yes it has its flaws, but it has lots of fun factor. for those that cant fly a real plane. stop your whining and try to kill each other in cartoon planes. its a game!