Author Topic: Anybody got any new recipes  (Read 5451 times)

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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #45 on: August 17, 2015, 03:32:49 PM »
good story man.

I'm also a kitchen hang out guy.  I decided, when I got custody of Squid, that I wasn't going to raise my kid on box food or garbage.  So I started cooking or what passed for it back then.  I found that I'm pretty fair at it and that it relaxed me.  I still enjoy it quite a bit.  Problem is I eat maybe two hands full of food a day.  It's just my metabolism.  Any more than that and I start feeling fat and bloated (ya I'm a LOT of fun on Thanksgiving) and with it only being Julie and I it doesn't make sense to cook up a bunch of food most of which will wind up in the dog bowl.  So I've downsized all my favorites to enough for she and I and that just isn't a challenge to cook.  We're having stuffed shells with beef and Ricotta cheese tonight.

If you have the tim and can afford it,  I'd recommend you substitute chevre cheese and lamb. So much better.
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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #46 on: August 18, 2015, 05:55:49 AM »
If you have the tim and can afford it,  I'd recommend you substitute chevre cheese and lamb. So much better.
I'll try that.  Thank you
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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #47 on: August 18, 2015, 05:22:23 PM »
Puerto Vallarta Shrimp Ceviche

8 - lemons
2 - limes
8 - Roma tomatoes
1 - large red onion
2- tbl spoons tomato sauce
3/4 pound of 26ct shrimp, uncooked

1.  Juice all the lemons and limes in a coverable container that is large enough to allow the uncooked shrimp to submerge.
2.  Cut each piece of shrimp in 3rds and place in the lemon/lime mixture and cover overnight in refrige.  The acids will cook the shrimp slowly
3.  Dice entire red onion and place in ziplock bag
4.  Dice tomatoes (core them before dicing, no slippery stuff) and throw into onion bag
5.  Add handful of chopped cilantro to the onion and tomato bag
6.  Refrigerate with shrimp
7.  Next morn, Empty zip lock bag of onions/tomatoes into shrimp/juice mixture and stir
8.  Add tomato sauce, stir more
9.  Salt and pepper to taste.

Eat with chips like salsa, add as a garnish to fresh fish dishes, or eat with a spoon!

Here are my thoughts on the Puerto Vallarta Shrimp Ceviche recipe.  My opinions here are based on my own taste preferences; you may have a completely different take on this dish.  :old:
For me, the dish was overpowered by the lemon/lime juice base.  In fact, I might even go as far as to say that all of the other ingredients were held hostage by the juice base.  :O

I ended up pouring the entire can of tomato sauce (15 oz.) in to try to calm it down.  (It worked to some degree).  I then added about 2 tablespoons of chili powder to try to get something else in there with a bit of a personality to mix things up.   (This too worked, to some degree).   :cool:

Do not get me wrong.  The dish was really interesting, but IMO it benefited from those above two modifications.

Other thoughts:

  • Peel the shrimps before serving?
  • Devein the shrimp?
  • Know target consumption plan, if salsa dip with tortilla chips, perhaps cut up the shrimp up into smaller pieces.  (Cut down the spine into halves, then ¼ into 1/3 inch stripes.)   If “eat with a spoon,” into threes not a bad idea.  If for finger snacks, perhaps leave uncut and hook the shrimps all the way around a serving bowl with the tails as a grab handle.
  • If cost is an important factor, smaller shrimps would be perfectly acceptable. 
  • The tomato, onion and cilantro mix could easily be enough for 2 or even 3 lbs. of shrimp.
  • To address the dominance of the lemon/lime juice mix, after pickling, drain the juice and place to the side.  Add the tomato, onion and cilantro mix with the tomato sauce and then slowly add some of the lemon/lime juice back in (to taste).

Was I glad that I tried the recipe?  Yes.   :x

Would I try it again (with mods)? Yes.     :x

Would I recommend it to others? Yes.      :x   


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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #48 on: August 19, 2015, 07:26:17 AM »
Here are my thoughts on the Puerto Vallarta Shrimp Ceviche recipe.  My opinions here are based on my own taste preferences; you may have a completely different take on this dish.  :old:
For me, the dish was overpowered by the lemon/lime juice base.  In fact, I might even go as far as to say that all of the other ingredients were held hostage by the juice base.  :O

I ended up pouring the entire can of tomato sauce (15 oz.) in to try to calm it down.  (It worked to some degree).  I then added about 2 tablespoons of chili powder to try to get something else in there with a bit of a personality to mix things up.   (This too worked, to some degree).   :cool:

Do not get me wrong.  The dish was really interesting, but IMO it benefited from those above two modifications.

Other thoughts:

  • Peel the shrimps before serving?
  • Devein the shrimp?
  • Know target consumption plan, if salsa dip with tortilla chips, perhaps cut up the shrimp up into smaller pieces.  (Cut down the spine into halves, then ¼ into 1/3 inch stripes.)   If “eat with a spoon,” into threes not a bad idea.  If for finger snacks, perhaps leave uncut and hook the shrimps all the way around a serving bowl with the tails as a grab handle.
  • If cost is an important factor, smaller shrimps would be perfectly acceptable. 
  • The tomato, onion and cilantro mix could easily be enough for 2 or even 3 lbs. of shrimp.
  • To address the dominance of the lemon/lime juice mix, after pickling, drain the juice and place to the side.  Add the tomato, onion and cilantro mix with the tomato sauce and then slowly add some of the lemon/lime juice back in (to taste).

Was I glad that I tried the recipe?  Yes.   :x

Would I try it again (with mods)? Yes.     :x

Would I recommend it to others? Yes.      :x

I made the assumption that people knew to peel the shrimp and clean them before putting it in the juice.  My fault.  lots of folks drain off most of the juice if you find it too tart.  However, that is the taste design.  It's a very bright, fresh taste that some never my daughter.  You can never have too much tomato and onion :banana:
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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #49 on: August 21, 2015, 06:44:25 PM »
I like crock pot fajitas. slice up the peppers & onions, toss the fajita seasoning packet on top of those, toss in the sliced up chicken.  cook & serve.

I don't drain when done, I just remove the contents leaving all of the juice and toss in either noodles or rice. Tastes pretty good cooked in that juice. Stick that thing in the fridge for a midnight meal.
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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #50 on: October 01, 2015, 02:58:25 PM »
The original thread was this:,210686.msg2509587.html#msg2509587

Here's one I tried a couple of times last winter. It's a Bavarian meat pot with beer, nice thick stuff for a cold winter day. Lots of ingredients at first look, but if you've ever cooked anything it's quite simple to make.

800 g beef, cut into cubes of 2 cm
120 g of smoked ham, cut into sticks
120 g onion (roughly one medium sized) cut into rings
Salt, pepper
30 g butter
20 g flour
1/2 l dark beer
1 tablespoon chopped fresh marjoram
1 bay leaf
100 g green onion, chopped
80 g carrot (roughly one) sliced into coins
200 ml stock if needed
1-2 tablespoons mild vinegar
1 pinch sugar
1 tablespoon chopped parsley

In a large enough pot, sear the beef cubes in the butter. Add the onion and ham, sear a little more. Add flour and sear a little more.
Add the beer, salt, pepper, marjoram and bay leaf, stir to get the flour off the bottom, close the lid and let it simmer for half an hour.
Add the sliced green onion and carrot. Add stock if the pot looks too dry.
Let it simmer for another 20 minutes.
Add the vinegar and sugar for a slightly sour-sweet taste.
Decorate with parsley.

Serve with cooked potatoes.

I tried this recipe out last weekend.  Really outstanding.  I think that the (dark) beer, marjoram, bay leaf, mild vinegar and sugar give the dish a unique flavor.

I had to use a non-dark beer (60 minute DogFish head IPA) because I rarely have dark beer in the house.

BTW, my wife really enjoyed the dish as well.  She did ask me, however, what made it Bavarian?  I said that come to think about it, I really didn’t know.  Perhaps the beer is Bavarian?

Thanks for posting.

This might help people, here are some of the ingredients measurements, rounded off a bit, in English.   :)

1.75 lbs. (800 grams) of beef, cut into 1 inch cubes (2 cm)
0.25 lbs. (120 grams) of smoked ham cut into sticks.
0.25 lbs. (120 grams) (roughly one medium sized) of an onion cut into rings
1.00 oz. (0.07 lbs. 30 grams) butter
0.75 oz. (0.04 lbs. 20 grams) flour
3.25 oz. (0.22 lbs. 100 grams) green onion, chopped
3.00 oz. (0.18 lbs. 80 grams) carrot (roughly one) sliced into coins


Dante's Crew

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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #51 on: January 24, 2017, 01:18:13 AM »
I know it's ridiculous, but the video recipes have been really good. I guess I don't understand books without pictures.
<S> Easy8
<S> Mac

Offline Ripsnort

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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2017, 07:42:03 AM »
My wife has made me an Insta-Pot convert.
Whole chicken in 25 minutes?
Tender BBQ pork chops in 20?
Ability to braise meat before pressure cooking?

Worth every cent!

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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2017, 02:33:48 PM »
Long ago and far far away I lived in Izmir, Turkey
I loved the Ekmek [sic] bread they made  :old:
I finally found a recipe for it  :x and have made it
couple of times
If anyone interested, just google ekmek

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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2017, 08:24:53 PM »

Had this the other nite.  yum.  :x

slice (or the kids) the garlic to paper thin slivers.   :aok

oh and other pasta noodles work good or better.

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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2017, 02:56:45 AM »
Soups and casseroles suit best for wintertime, cooking them slowly adds warmth to the entire house especially if you have a wood burning stove. So yesterday I again cooked my version of the basic sausage soup:

Potatoes, cubed to fit mouth.
Soup vegetables (carrot, leek, turnip, parsnip, celery), a ready to use mix from the freezer.
Sausage, cubed or cut depending on diameter. The trad. recipe uses some cheap homogenous link sausage, but I prefer the chewy and spicy smoked sausage. Choose whatever you like.
Vegetable bouillon
Allspice, bay leaf... Notice that there's salt both in the broth and the sausages, added salt is not needed!

Chop the onions roughly, sauté them a little. Add the sausage and let them get some colour.
Add the rest, add bouillon so all ingredients are well covered.
Cook slowly until the vegetables are ready. Some like them a little "al dente", some prefer them partially mashed to thicken the stock.
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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2017, 06:16:24 PM »
This is my fancy pants goto right now
Chinese pork belly buns..ferkin yum
It's actually not that hard..
Its worth brining the pork belly for a couple of days with some 5 spice Chilli and peppercorns..
It makes the meat stay succulent.

Basically after brine optional
Wrap in tinfoil and slow cook 2 hrs 150c
The take outta oven and chill in fridge still wrapped up..
When you want day even.slice it..
Fry it..till crispy like bacon..remove from pan..the in the fat mix up sauce.sugar soy fish sauce Chilli coriander/cilantro
It makes a sticky sauce..put pork strips back in 10 mins while..Steam em from Chinese supermarket frozen.
I finely chopped carrots cucumber Chilli and coriander and pickle in rice wine vinegar..does not take long.adds freshness..
Boom..make buns up..slice lettuce pork strip dripping in sauce topped with pickled veg and eat with gusto..then have another...sooo ferkin yum!!
It's quite easy really but sooo good..
Give it a go
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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2017, 08:15:17 PM »
Earlier in the week we cooked up a duck stir fry mom found on the New York Times, I believe - it was absolutely excellent, best duck dish I have ever had.

Oh, and a home-made butterscotch pie for dessert.
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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #58 on: January 30, 2017, 10:25:10 AM »
I need a good Venison Marinade recipe, anyone got one?  Kids outhunted me again this yr....Daughter got a 4pntr....Son got an 8  (Dad got  1.Cold 2.Wet 3.tired 4.exhausted 5. chided mercilessly by 2 smartazz kids) 

Needless to say, id like to find a good marinade for some of the steaks. Ive always grilled or cooked them O'Natural...but want to try something different

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Re: Anybody got any new recipes
« Reply #59 on: January 30, 2017, 05:40:53 PM »
CO 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF
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