Those are two HEAVILY color shifted pictures, and the first looks artificially colorized. The second is the same picture, but looks much more like a unicolor paint scheme, similar to that found on Spanish airframes early on and pre-war.
Either the plane is a factory test bed prototype or more likely it's a light blue or light grey paint scheme for some kind of testing/use. It's not for high alt recce, since it has the standard engines and cockpit.
As for the Dornier, it's most likely just a polished monocolor as well. It doesn't look like it's silver. I would say it most likely is akin to this:
It is just an airframe that is clean. Since it appears to be on an asphalt tarmac literally in the shade of a hangar, I would hazard a guess it's still at the factory, and NOT in active combat service.
EDIT: Correction, I think the Dornier is a NJG paint scheme. I just thought of that after posting and after a brief check there are a number of paint schemes that look exactly like that, but they're unicolor light grey, not silver. They're all for night fighter service, though. Maybe this was an early attempt at that?