It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of logic. Players who approach ACM (and by extension, Aces High) with regard to Strategic Dominance gaming theory (as I do) will find such a system VERY easy to abuse for advantage... and I commonly do. It's the nature of ACM when practiced in a textbook definition.
The above quote really opened my eyes to a whole new level of skill that I never knew existed before. Ever since I started studying the Strategic Dominance Gaming Theory to improve my skills I have seen vast improvements in my ability to own noobs. I am now going to pass this knowledge onto you, the community of Aces High 2! Please enjoy my book "Strategic Dominance Gaming Theory of Aces High 2"!!
Strategic Dominance Gaming Theory of Aces High 2
Chapter 1: Introduction
Strategic Dominance Gaming Theory is the theory of using strategic dominance in gaming by using epic skills to destroy your opponents will to live. A player using Strategic Dominance Gaming Theory (which I will now refer to as SDGT) will use the most advantageous strategy in order to easily achieve victory no matter how gay and cowardly the strategy is. If option A always dominates option B then a player of SDGT will always choose option A. This is the theory behind the dominance of strategic gaming.
Chapter 2: Applying SDGT to AH2
Now that we know what SDGT is we must now understand how to apply it to Aces High 2 so we can achieve the number one fighter rank. Aces High 2 is a WW2 Flight Simulator Game so Aerial Combat Maneuvers will be our baseline for achieving our strategic dominance. However, ACM is a very rock-paper-scissor type of thing and every maneuver will have a counter maneuver that will defeat it. This of course goes against the SDGT so we will have to improvise slightly and find the easiest and safest flying style so to lessen the number of moves our opponents can use against us. In a fight speed is life so we will be developing our fighting style around this and focusing on Boom-and-Zoom tactics.
Chapter 3: The BnZ
Now that we know what flying style is the easiest to fly we need to perfect it to minimize the amount of danger to us. The first and most basic aspect for BnZ'ing is to have an altitude advantage. With an altitude advantage we can then "Boom" onto our opponent and then "Zoom" away. This is how BnZ'ing works. Because we have so much speed from diving on them this will limit the amount of time our opponent has to react, avoid our shot, and prevent him from getting any kind of decent return fire on us.
Another advantage to have is speed. If you have speed before you start your dive then you will increase your speed advantage even more making it even less likely that you can be killed. Remember that speed is life and you can never succeed in winning the number one fighter rank without it.
Chapter 4: Bringing Friends
Another way to lessen the risk of harming your score is to bring wingmen with you. The more wingmen you have the better. Using your wingmen to gang up on your opponent will force them to lose altitude and speed fighting them. This will make your life easier as you use your BnZ tactics to pick your opponent while he's already busy engaged with your wingmen.
Having friends also has the added benefit of having them clear your six if you ever make a mistake. SDGT will assure you 100% victories, however we are only human and are incapable of making the right decision 100% of the time. We will make mistakes. Having wingmen around will mean any mistakes you do make your wingmen can then bail you out and you can continue to claim amazing mistake-free skills.
Chapter 5: Picking your Plane
The tool that we use to dominate our opponents is a crucial decision to make. In AH2 that tool is our plane. Since we already have our flying style figured out, the BnZ with wingmen, we need to pick the easiest plane to fit this style. There are actually a few planes that fit this mold fairly well.
The Fw 190D-9 is a good starting plane. With it's high speed, great climb rate and powerful gun package this plane easily fits into the BnZ category.
Alternatively, the Ta-152H is also a fine choice. It performs very similar to the 190D-9 but has an even more powerful gun package and can fly at a much higher altitude, a strength that plays very well into BnZing.
Once you have gotten in enough practice with these two planes though then the La-7 is the next plane you will want to move to. The La-7 is one of the more difficult planes to fly in the game which is why you should wait until you get very good in your SDGT with the 190D-9 and Ta-152H before using it. It's extremely high speed and insanely good climb rate are superb features for our BnZ tactics and it's gun package of 3 20mm's will shred any plane we attack. Do not make the mistake of taking the 2 20mm package as we are working with the SDGT and the SDGT tells us that the 3 gun package is superior to the 2 gun package.
Lastly we have the Me-262. Being a jet plane we can already see the speed advantage we will have over any opponent we come across. We will be allowed to engage and disengage at will with little to no risk of dying, and it's quad 30mm cannons will shred apart any and all planes that we come across.
One thing that I must add is do not fall for the old 'Spitfire is a great trainer plane' that you will hear most everyone saying. The Spitfires are terrible aircraft to learn anything in. They turn very well, climb well, and retain energy extremely well. While this may seem like good things and make the aircraft a nice plane to learn it, it is not. These attributes will teach you wrong tactics that can not be used in our SDGT.