D'ld Patch 75 a couple of nights back & installed w/o a hitch.
Went in Alpha this evening & joined a B17 mission..........1st time EVER at the helm of 1 of these!
Had a very hard time trying to stay in formation so I slowly fell out of my slot & drifted behind but the saving grace for me was that I wasn't the worst B17 pilot....musta impressed\confounded the Luftwaffe as when they attacked the formation somehow thru all that I was never hit..............not 1 time!

The only bomber stuff I could guess was the key to open the bomb doors so I could drop my bombs.....don't have a clue of what I was releasing them on or I was aiming at as I didn't know how to bring up the bomb sight but they sounded cool as they dropped...........I know, soo rookie of me.............

I eventually bailed out as by then the main formation was so far out in front I wasn't EVEN going to catch up....................
Clouds looked good as I flew thru them w/ FPS holding in the 35-46 range w/ the bomber formation filling the windscreen w/o 1 stutter occurring thruout the duration of my flight time. Once we flew out of the clouds as long as I was viewing the formation thru the front windshield the FPS stayed between 42-47, but if I looked anywhere else except thru the forward views (10 thru 2) the FPS went back up to the more normal 59-60 w/ FPS swings down to 50-55 when at 10 o'clock or 2 o'clock positions (would get part of the main formation in the viewing area thus the FPS slowdowns). Here is a snippet of my box's Fury X vitals while flying thru this mission:

This is w/ Cat 15.7.1 WHQL drivers only (no CCC...deleted it & have no profile for Alpha set up in Radeon Pro) in default settings w/ all Alpha slider settings set full right, EM slider set @ 2, all graphics features checkboxes unchecked except "disable other plane's skins" & "disable ground clutter when in flight" & all checkboxes checked in left flip up panel.
Now I did think that the lighting reflections effects were kinda high when looking out of my left windscreen down the left wing as they seemed to blind you a little due to what seemed to me excessive glare.........but I also can't say what it should be like as I haven't been in a B17 at all, much less at 24,000'.............
It's looking better folks!
Was kinda wondering if this Fury X would hold her own.........feeling MUCH better 'bout this now............

So far it appears to me from a lot of testing on my set up & the performance thru this mission that the AMD CCC software may be interfering w/ the game graphics calls to the GPU causing extra GPU cycling for minimal to no graphical image gain & affecting actual performance some whereas Radeon Pro is not affecting the GPU at all due to me not setting up a profile for the Alpha so Radeon Pro is completely out of the way so the graphics settings & rendering calls made by the Alpha are getting thru to the GPU virtually clean as there is no interface software (such as CCC) to "skew" them............
Back to "work"....................