The new river system is a great improvement as it gives nice high resolution smooth edges; no more jagged edged rivers. However, instead of a WaterD.bmp bitmap file, which allowed water anywhere, rivers are now objects, well paths actually. That means you have to draw them on the terrain. This brings up a wish and some questions:
1) Can we have the current mouse position on the terrain echoed as a little cross cursor on the map window so we know where we are and can trace rivers or features when editing them in the main window?
1a) Can we have the cursor also have a line that is perpendicular to the current river path direction and whose length is equal to the current river width. (OK that one seems hard.)
2) I'm mostly interested creating real terrains, i.e. based on DEM and other GIS data sources like bodies of water. One thing you learn from looking at those is that the Earth has an awful lot of rivers and lakes and ponds. If water features that aren't the ocean are going to be objects, is there some limit to the number and complexity of them? Can we add water features by editing the MyTerrain.tra file so we can essentially import GIS water body data (converted, of course, to AH3 format of X,W,Y)?