I too was part of the "MASS DISCO" I heard that song and so I grabbed the nearest gal and started doing "The Hustle" along with everyone in the room... back and forth we went, swaying left, swaying right, even doing a groovy dip as we turned at times, wow, what a feeling as we all were enjoying this mass disco.. it was actually my first time doing The Hustle with so many at one time. That Mass Disco was amazing!!! Loved it. ///// Ok, no, really.. so we were disco'd.. so what.. we should know by now it's all part of the internet gaming experience... It's not like you weren't gonna get shot down anyway. Just play the game, have fun.. you lose perks, so what, have fun earning them back. They're just points in a fun game. You did start with zero points, remember? Don't let a boot mess with your peace and cause stress in some cases.. you are here to have fun.. enjoy the game, even with it's uncontrollable internet idiosyncrecies fellas.. Life is short.. have fun. // ok, I'll stop here. Kill ya later!

Hi-Tech.. thanks for such a fun and relaxing game.. I love it.