Gents, please don't consider this a "whine", it is merely the observation of one
who is new to the "scenario thing" as a squadron commander.
The scenario website needs a bit of updating and needs to be made a bit more
intuitive/user friendly.
Perhaps it's the fact that I'd already "registered" years ago, and thus is was only
a little bit hinky, but new guys signing on to a scenario shouldn't needlessly find
it frustrating and aggravating to get registered.
It sucks a bit of the fun out of it before the scenario itself even gets started.
The "log in" , then "log off" and "log in again" thing...well... is that really necessary?

Perhaps the "scenario profile" problem in which one of my guys is showing up merely as
a "comma" (,) could be averted with a message of some sort, perhaps like: "Oh , you've
neglected to fill in the "scenario profile" area, please complete that before the registration
process can continue."
Just my thoughts from the peanut gallery.
Regards, Odd