Author Topic: The Scenario Website Needs Some Love  (Read 776 times)

Offline Oddball-CAF

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The Scenario Website Needs Some Love
« on: December 16, 2015, 07:27:33 AM »
Gents, please don't consider this a "whine", it is merely the observation of one
who is new to the "scenario thing" as a squadron commander.
  The scenario website needs a bit of updating and needs to be made a bit more
intuitive/user friendly.
  Perhaps it's the fact that I'd already "registered" years ago, and thus is was only
a little bit hinky, but new guys signing on to a scenario shouldn't needlessly find
it frustrating and aggravating to get registered.
  It sucks a bit of the fun out of it before the scenario itself even gets started.
The "log in" , then "log off" and "log in again" thing...well... is that really necessary?  :D
  Perhaps the "scenario profile" problem in which one of my guys is showing up merely as
a "comma" (,) could be averted with a message of some sort, perhaps like: "Oh , you've
neglected to fill in the "scenario profile" area, please complete that before the registration
process can continue."
  Just my thoughts from the peanut gallery.

Regards, Odd

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Re: The Scenario Website Needs Some Love
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2015, 10:57:59 AM »
Yep, it's a pain in the butt.  Our web guru who built it is no longer with us, and until we get into a position to completely overhaul it we are simply mucking our way through. It's a major undertaking that many have said should be a no brainer to fix, but couldn't :)  It needs a complete rebuild.  it's on the list, it's a long list.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline Oddball-CAF

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Re: The Scenario Website Needs Some Love
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2015, 03:36:05 PM »
  Years ago, I had one of my squaddies build the original 47 Ronin website.
Problem with that was that while it looked magnificent, anytime I went to edit
a page, my Dreamweaver program would crash.
  I finally gave up, thanked him for his efforts and just built my own from
scratch. It's very simplistic, but is sufficient for my needs and that of the squad,
so I'm content with it.
  It's a lot of work and I'm guessin' the "Scenario" website is a LOT more
complex than it might appear to most folks. Yep, you've got a major league
headache to deal with once you take up that task. Good luck!  :salute

Best regards, Odd

Offline APDrone

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Re: The Scenario Website Needs Some Love
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2015, 06:21:01 AM »
I really don't like Joomla :)

I feel your pain, Bro..

I understand the desire for that professional look that content managers provide ( Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress.. etc ad nausem ), but, unless you're the one who built it, and keep it maintained, fixing the damn things is not a pleasant task. There's some serious voodoo going on in there.

Sometimes I wonder if good old frames isn't the way to go.. at least you can find stuff in them. :old:

At the end of the day, all you're doing is communicating information. 



Scenario "Battle of Britain" KG53