Even with the best of intentions for the idea, you are offering semi free stuff. They will HO because it's fast and easy. You cannot manipulate people who avoid the hard work of learning ACM and lacking the internal constitution for fighting, into fighting when that spirit of avoidance is the rudder to their boat. Force them to fight and they will spend their $14.95 somewhere else. So giving them semi free perks, their lazy answer will be HOing and running more than they do it now.
All you are seeing very clearly because of our small numbers, is 90% won't, don't care, or don't want to place themselves in harms way. You are looking at the same small numbers as in WW2 who made the majority of the fighter to fighter kills. In this game those are the ones who want to fight, have made the effort to learn ACM, and call everyone else cowards and other pejoratives related to their different internal constitution.
A way to look at this, in 1944 701 combat films were reviewed in which 189 planes were shot down. 39% of the 701 pilots shot down the 189 planes. And those were 701 pilots who wanted to be fighter pilots. Between 1941 and 1945, 40% of all pilot training candidates washed out. Most play this game as a game and find out it's rougher than that on the ego.
This will not make them want to fight. It will appeal to their greed and laziness which will end up them doing anything gamey as possible to get the semi free points without having to risk fighting for them.