Author Topic: HQ down again  (Read 18362 times)

Offline Vraciu

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #120 on: December 29, 2015, 04:54:53 AM »
What happens when you lock a monkey in a room with a football?

HiTech, please... unlock the door.

Screw 'em, Tumor.  We will just wing up as the Pony Express and wreck them all.    :rock    :salute
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #121 on: December 29, 2015, 04:57:24 AM »
V you and I have spent a good amount of time together on the shades Vox and I like you so try not to take any of this personal. What is at odds are two totally different styles of game play. On one hand you have players like yourself. On the other you have strategic players like myself. In betwenn are players who simply play for their own fulfillment. Whenever I have participated in a run on HQ whether as support or by myself it is with purpose. It's an unfortunate circumstance that the receiving party looses the ability to track down a good fight.

Perhaps its the countless times I have watched hordes roll base after base and nothing is done about it. Despite the fact that players like yourself stand by and not engage to stop it that is why I dont care whether or not it ruins peoples game play. The fact is players fall into two categories. Those who play selfishly and those who play as a team.

I will never change the way I play the game. If I decide to help drop an HQ or take it down by myself than I will do that. I would much rather do what I did tonight taking airbases. Out of my last 100 sorties I have made 1 HQ run and that was poke the eyes out of bish who were hording horribly. Yet I have taken or helped take about 40-50 bases since I came back last week, run dozens of strat ops porking ords or barracks along with sutting bases down left and right. On top of that numerous strat runs. All so that its easier for players on my team to have an advantage.

Bruh, taking down the HQ when we have low population serves no purpose.  I am a multi-dimensional player with Lone Wolf tendencies.    Don't get too high on yourself.   Dar griefing is crap when we barely have 75 players on and 4,593 bases...  Knock it off.

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Offline Airsharks

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #122 on: December 29, 2015, 05:36:13 AM »
The country who loses their HQ usually sees a drop in players, because they log. Fact.

Offline FESS67

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #123 on: December 29, 2015, 05:42:28 AM »
Dallas, let me address your post as objectively as I can.  I am here for the fighter combat experience and understand that others are here for other reasons.  I will comment from the perspective of a fighter pilot and I will assume that this pilot is like me and has maybe 2 hours now and again on a week night and 4 hours on a Saturday.

They should see us coming and stop us. If you're not going to defend your strategic targets you have no right to cry about it.
  • How long is the HQ flashing to alert of the impending attack?
  • I assume from your comment that you make no attempt to hide your attack - or do you feel people should be patrolling the approaches to the HQ in case of attack?
  • In your opinion how long do you think the fighter pilot should spend on their patrol?  I usually load about 30 mins of gas.  Would you think that is long enough?

"When you kill the HQ people quit"

They shouldn't just because they can't see the darbar. Bases still flash when the HQ goes down.

"You can't find the furball when the HQ goes down"

There probably was one before the HQ went down, Why don't you read country chat and find out where the action is, It's not very hard to find a fight.  If a base is flashing then you should investigate.

  • How many bases flash (with radar up) due to GV activity rather than air contacts?
  • Of those bases flashing due to air contacts how many are indicators of a fight rather than a lone hi alt buff?
  • Without Dar, how would you suggest the fighter pilot determines the root cause of the base flashing?

"Killing the HQ only negatively effects the game" ALSO "This game isn't about war"[/u][/b]

The HQ is a strategic target, It's literally the same as killing any strat aka strategic target aka ack factory, ord factory, aka city. Killing strategic targets are part of the game. Killing strategic targets positively effects the war effort keeping towns, radars, ords, ect. down for a longer period of time. This game is about war weather we want to admit it or not, The objective of this game is to capture the required number of bases and win the war.

I do not argue that an HQ is a strategic target and in a war environment would be something that should be taken out.  I would argue this though:-

To effectively hit such a strategically important target and cause such a widespread negative impact on the opposing forces ability to wage war should be practically impossible.  In this game, with such large maps and small player base, finding and engaging the enemy is key to both the practicality of defending bases but also, crucially, to the fun of the player base (or a decent portion of it).

Back to my fighter pilot.......remember he has a couple of hours on some week nights and 4 hours on a Saturday.

Where does he want to spend his time?

  • Duke it out with the bad guys
  • Fly 4 x combat patrols around the HQ in case someone is going to attack.  Remember to grab to 35k in case they are high alt buffs
  • look for flashing bases - relocate - take off - look for cons, maybe 10 or 15 minutes - nothing sighted - land and move to next flashing base....should get at least 16 of these fun flights in my time on.
  • Take off and head to flashing base - 1/2 way there base stops flashing but see on chat buffer help needed at base xxx.  Land quickly.  Relocate.....take off and head to the fight...enemy cover in case they come back...maybe 15 minutes.
  • A call comes in - base yyy is under 5 mins to land....relocate....lift in time to see the last attacker die to ack....stay in air in case they come back.......another base starts to flash....
  • Log off.  Go fly MS Flight Simulator - actually more action flying a 737 LA to Vegas - hell, might even get in a Cessna and try to buzz one of the jets!!

I would prefer to fly and fight.

The truth is the dar going down is not what most of the player base want.  Sure you can do it but it is not what the majority of the player base want.  I think ultimately it comes down to that.

How about we add a GV factory and if it is taken out no GVs can spawn for the designated down time?  How many would love that one?

Offline Slade

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #124 on: December 29, 2015, 06:27:44 AM »
The HQ is a strategic target,

So is my wallet.  I pay to find and engage ACM.  I tried to get a few friends into AH some months back.  They said it was bull*$(@ to have to wait that long to get any action.

On the up side I am excited about AH3!  How it handles the HQ phenomena.  I am going to download it and help these guys out.  :rock

-- Flying as X15 --

Offline VuduVee

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #125 on: December 29, 2015, 02:33:08 PM »
You guys really need to stop trying to justify it. There is no justification for ignorance. The vast majority of the people in the game disagree with you and always will. At least spare us these BBS posts. It took Dallas two days to write his post.  :lol

hey bear, i agree that taking down HQ's blows. but i have to say that you guys vulching runways and ganging every red guy that attempts to fight blows also. you guys could at least try to do your part to keep this game alive, but you dont. you seem to want to kill the game in your ways but god forbid the HQ griefers kill it in their way. if you truly wanted a fight, you and your squad wouldnt hang at the end of runways ganging any red that stupidly ups. im done with flying 10 mins to try to find a fight only to get ganged. if you truly wanted a "fight" you and your squad would back off the end of runways and you and your squad would not gang one of the very very few people who will fight. i guarantee you guys wont do this though, you want what you want and to hell with everyone else. you guys kill the game as much as any HQ greifer  imo. and then gripe about no fights. but you and your squad had fights and blew it with the ganging crap.

Offline Wizz

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #126 on: December 29, 2015, 03:50:17 PM »
Bruh, taking down the HQ when we have low population serves no purpose.  I am a multi-dimensional player with Lone Wolf tendencies.    Don't get too high on yourself.   Dar griefing is crap when we barely have 75 players on and 4,593 bases...  Knock it off.
Bruh I rarely drop HQ.... your perception of me is severely misplaced. Anytime im high on myself it is well earned. Your arguing with the wrong player.

Like I have said before I dont mind taking all the flack on bbs for HQ griefing simply for voicing my opinion on the matter. You trolls need someone to take out your frustrations on and it might as well be me :neener:

Im a base taking player. Beside V there has never been a time where I have dropped an HQ over yours while you were playing..... ever  :ahand
393rd Bombardment Squadron


Offline Wizz

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #127 on: December 29, 2015, 03:52:44 PM »
Dallas, let me address your post as objectively as I can.  I am here for the fighter combat experience and understand that others are here for other reasons.  I will comment from the perspective of a fighter pilot and I will assume that this pilot is like me and has maybe 2 hours now and again on a week night and 4 hours on a Saturday.
  • How long is the HQ flashing to alert of the impending attack?
  • I assume from your comment that you make no attempt to hide your attack - or do you feel people should be patrolling the approaches to the HQ in case of attack?
  • In your opinion how long do you think the fighter pilot should spend on their patrol?  I usually load about 30 mins of gas.  Would you think that is long enough?
  • How many bases flash (with radar up) due to GV activity rather than air contacts?
  • Of those bases flashing due to air contacts how many are indicators of a fight rather than a lone hi alt buff?
  • Without Dar, how would you suggest the fighter pilot determines the root cause of the base flashing?

I do not argue that an HQ is a strategic target and in a war environment would be something that should be taken out.  I would argue this though:-

To effectively hit such a strategically important target and cause such a widespread negative impact on the opposing forces ability to wage war should be practically impossible.  In this game, with such large maps and small player base, finding and engaging the enemy is key to both the practicality of defending bases but also, crucially, to the fun of the player base (or a decent portion of it).

Back to my fighter pilot.......remember he has a couple of hours on some week nights and 4 hours on a Saturday.

Where does he want to spend his time?

  • Duke it out with the bad guys
  • Fly 4 x combat patrols around the HQ in case someone is going to attack.  Remember to grab to 35k in case they are high alt buffs
  • look for flashing bases - relocate - take off - look for cons, maybe 10 or 15 minutes - nothing sighted - land and move to next flashing base....should get at least 16 of these fun flights in my time on.
  • Take off and head to flashing base - 1/2 way there base stops flashing but see on chat buffer help needed at base xxx.  Land quickly.  Relocate.....take off and head to the fight...enemy cover in case they come back...maybe 15 minutes.
  • A call comes in - base yyy is under 5 mins to land....relocate....lift in time to see the last attacker die to ack....stay in air in case they come back.......another base starts to flash....
  • Log off.  Go fly MS Flight Simulator - actually more action flying a 737 LA to Vegas - hell, might even get in a Cessna and try to buzz one of the jets!!

I would prefer to fly and fight.

The truth is the dar going down is not what most of the player base want.  Sure you can do it but it is not what the majority of the player base want.  I think ultimately it comes down to that.

How about we add a GV factory and if it is taken out no GVs can spawn for the designated down time?  How many would love that one?
I cant argue most points here. the fact that dar goes down though is not an argument your going to win. Its a war not a fighter arena which is why the system has never changed. HQ needs to be better defended simply put with manned guns I have always said that. Take away the NOE strike ability on it.
393rd Bombardment Squadron


Offline Wizz

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #128 on: December 29, 2015, 03:54:46 PM »
hey bear, i agree that taking down HQ's blows. but i have to say that you guys vulching runways and ganging every red guy that attempts to fight blows also. you guys could at least try to do your part to keep this game alive, but you dont. you seem to want to kill the game in your ways but god forbid the HQ griefers kill it in their way. if you truly wanted a fight, you and your squad wouldnt hang at the end of runways ganging any red that stupidly ups. im done with flying 10 mins to try to find a fight only to get ganged. if you truly wanted a "fight" you and your squad would back off the end of runways and you and your squad would not gang one of the very very few people who will fight. i guarantee you guys wont do this though, you want what you want and to hell with everyone else. you guys kill the game as much as any HQ greifer  imo. and then gripe about no fights. but you and your squad had fights and blew it with the ganging crap.

Problem Vuudoo is people like that do not care to see it any other way but their own and will not budge. They are old stubborn players and in my opinion they can quit for all I care. That's why im not changing the way I play and will continue to be a thorn in their sides here on bbs and in-game. Still not going to grief HQ though...
393rd Bombardment Squadron


Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #129 on: December 29, 2015, 04:09:51 PM »
God you guys are sad.

You fly 250 Mph plane at 5K and wonder why you get ganged?

You refuse to up from another base so you get jumped by high cons around the field.

If you cant learn to play the game better and be more successful at getting kills and not dying, maybe you need to learn a new plane, a new style, or learn the game better.


Going back to the HQ problem. It needs to be fixed and better organized. Killing the HQ is for newbs and provides absolutely NO STRATEGY. God you guys are fools if you think it actually helps your team win the map with 100 players on.  It doesn't, you suck, and you are wasting your time.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 04:11:41 PM by DmonSlyr »
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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #130 on: December 29, 2015, 04:15:08 PM »
3/4 bs. all this fight talk is bs.  most want to have a advantage and shoot another player down.  shall we say , my slills are better than your mistakes.  please try again so i can kill you, again.  no ai drones i want a stupid player that squirms a little.  this is how a fighter jock plays.  hes not here for the game, the war, hes here to rack up kills and boost his ego.   here for the fight is a load of crap.  the few that are here for the fight would not be complaining, they would be on the deck dukeing it out.  someone like tongs midway cmex grebo, flying low alt slow planes for the fight.

Offline Wizz

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #131 on: December 29, 2015, 04:18:43 PM »
God you guys are sad.

You fly 250 Mph plane at 5K and wonder why you get ganged?

You refuse to up from another base so you get jumped by high cons around the field.

If you cant learn to play the game better and be more successful at getting kills and not dying, maybe you need to learn a new plane, a new style, or learn the game better.


Going back to the HQ problem. It needs to be fixed and better organized. Killing the HQ is for newbs and provides absolutely NO STRATEGY. God you guys are fools if you think it actually helps your team win the map with 100 players on.  It doesn't, you suck, and you are wasting your time.
It provides enough strategy to completely derail a lot of people. If I want an advantage such as not being able to be tracked the HQ must go! No matter what time of day. The argument mute.

Yes HQ needs to be better defended I agree with you there. add manned guns!
393rd Bombardment Squadron


Offline 49ZERO

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #132 on: December 29, 2015, 04:31:27 PM »
Grown men crying over the hq being down! The game is too hard to play with out it ! Only 10 percent of the players of ace high 2 are little cry babies that do 90 percent of the posting on forums. Most players play on and don't post crying subjects. Aces high 3 will be out one day and advertise and maybe we will get a new batch of players with backbone. It is a reality check because the hq is back to normal because it is and has been that way for 15 years plus get over it.

Offline VuduVee

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #133 on: December 29, 2015, 04:37:39 PM »
God you guys are sad.

You fly 250 Mph plane at 5K and wonder why you get ganged?

You refuse to up from another base so you get jumped by high cons around the field.

If you cant learn to play the game better and be more successful at getting kills and not dying, maybe you need to learn a new plane, a new style, or learn the game better.


Going back to the HQ problem. It needs to be fixed and better organized. Killing the HQ is for newbs and provides absolutely NO STRATEGY. God you guys are fools if you think it actually helps your team win the map with 100 players on.  It doesn't, you suck, and you are wasting your time.

it works both ways doesnt it Violator? you dont want to fly 10 mins to a fight do you? neither do i.  thats pretty much the idea behind the gripes you guys have isnt it? but, somehow, flying for 10 mins is crap if you have to do it, but if i have to do it, its just fine in your book.  why cant/wont you compromise if you truly want a fight? it amounts to what ive said already, you guys want your way that kills the game, but god forbid others way of killing the game. imo, HQ greifers and vulcher/gangers are killing the game equally.

Offline Vraciu

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Re: HQ down again
« Reply #134 on: December 29, 2015, 04:46:00 PM »
it works both ways doesnt it Violator? you dont want to fly 10 mins to a fight do you? neither do i.  thats pretty much the idea behind the gripes you guys have isnt it? but, somehow, flying for 10 mins is crap if you have to do it, but if i have to do it, its just fine in your book.  why cant/wont you compromise if you truly want a fight? it amounts to what ive said already, you guys want your way that kills the game, but god forbid others way of killing the game. imo, HQ greifers and vulcher/gangers are killing the game equally.

Not the same thing.   Without radar one can drone around for 45 minutes and never even see an enemy.   Especially when numbers are low and maps are large.

My K/H is low because I tend to fly a slow climbing airplane.   I almost always roll a base or two back from the fight.   I learned the hard way that rolling closer doesn't work--at least for me--because I wind up getting bounced and flamed repeatedly.  I'm with Violator on this one.
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