1st, thanks to both of you for stepping up for CO duty. <S> to you!
2nd, as Jan 30th is fast approaching, you might want quickly to select Group Leaders for each of the groups and ask them to get going on recruiting to fill the group (if it isn't already full). Ask them to beat the bushes, talk it up on the Main Arena, ask squaddies, ask friends, ask acquaintances, and get those groups filled up.
Good Group Leaders are critical to doing well in a scenario -- they need to be good recruiters and good leaders in the fight.
As CO, you should directly recruit, too, to get those sides filled.
Allied team, when the allies are full, please also chip in and help get the axis filled up. Max fun is when each side is filled with devoted players, ready to battle it out every frame.
I am working to recruit on the axis side as well.
<S>, guys, and thanks!