What makes it different? I'M STUPIDOnly better overclocking? I'm not really into overclocking just yet.
The G1 has 3 cooling fans. Its about 12" long. These are 2 physical differences.
As far as Gigabyte vs EVGA. I have several EVGA cards, all work as advertised. The 1 time I had to do an RMA, it was done.
I started using Gigabyte mobos, I like them a lot. So when I went for a newer vid card.........................
............I doubt there would be that much difference performance wise between manufacturers.
Gigabyte uses dual bios as well.
The 4GB of ram is untrue, the 970 has a 3.5GB ram block and a .5GB ram block...................googl
e this
some say it will not be good for the 4K monitors of future...........
For AH3 and my purposes, this card rocks for the dollar amount.
Pudgie could prolly give you chapter and verse of the different variants as well. He is quite good with the intel and specs.