Author Topic: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside  (Read 1768 times)

Offline Oddball-CAF

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Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« on: January 25, 2016, 02:29:27 AM »
  When I first decided to jump into a scenario with my squadron as a group, I was pretty
   Now, having seen the extremely low interest level both by my squadron in general, and
the Aces High community, I find myself wondering why I even bothered.
  I'm at the point now where I've no enthusiasm at all for it.
No news about the first frame in either of the two scenario forums I've access to: General and Allied.
And hell, a simple question I had about which gun package my Hurricane IIs would be packing
for the first frame went unanswered by "command".
  Flame away if ya like. But I personally am done with these after this one.

Regards, Odd

Offline Brooke

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2016, 03:11:16 AM »
My suggestion is to see what it's like to fly in it before you pass judgement on the whole universe of Scenarios.

I'm going to ask the sides to do their orders planning in the general forums so that people can have the chance to get involved if they want.

But enthusiasm is a two-way street.  I can't generate everyone's enthusiasm for them.  I try my best to do that, but in reality, it isn't possible.  I can only at best help.  They have to do it inside themselves, too.

Offline Oddball-CAF

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2016, 11:02:52 AM »
Hi Brooke,
  I've done three scenarios before in AH and enjoyed 'em, but those were as a snuffy
without any responsibility. In this one, I'm a squadron C.O. and frankly, would have
liked to have had more information than what has been provided to date.
  With regards to a command structure for each side, it is my belief that in
the future one be in-place prior to the posting up of the initial "registration is now open"
thread. In this way, as squadrons/individuals sign up, they can be contacted
immediately by their respective CIC/Group Leaders and the basics laid out to
the squadron C.O.
  Right now, I have no clue as to what my squad's responsibilities are for the
first frame. ie: Are we escorts, providing a BARCAP, doing a fighter sweep, etc...
I know not even the gun package my planes will be fielding.
  I know I had 29 of 32 slots covered for all first frames initially. I now know that
I have 21 of 32 covered after the re-scheduling of the scenario due to low overall
interest levels by the AH subscription base.
  So, I'm a bit disappointed with things as they stand both as an individual participating
in the scenario and as a squadron leader within that scheme.
  I have seen how you and ROC took the ball and ran with it and did your utmost
in attempting to get the interest/enthusiasm jacked up and generate a good number
of registered pilots. I tip my hat to both of you in that regard. And I know both of
you have/had other scenario related items on your plate which require(d) a good
number of hours of investment.
  Scenarios are a "niche" part of Aces High, just as Aces High is a "niche" part of
online flight sims, and flight sims are a niche of the overall PC "wargaming"
market. It is a very small target being aimed at, and as we are all experiencing
first hand, the AH subscriber base has shrunk considerably over the years,
for reasons beyond the scope of this thread.
  It is my belief at this time that in reality, there really aren't enough current
AH subscribers with an interest in participating in scenarios to flesh out
the ranks.
  It is what it is.

Best regards, Odd

Offline Hajo

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2016, 11:19:54 AM »
It is a pity.  That my friends is the modern day gamer.  The ones who hold their cell phones and text using their thumbs looking like monkeys at the Zoo trying to shell peanuts.

They are Gamers and they could care less about the history of WWII Air combat.  A few nights ago I saw Sophomores at Cal State Berkley being asked who the VP of the US is.

They did not know.  The dumbing down of America is in full swing unfortunately.  Gimme my Cell Phone is the battle cry.
- The Flying Circus -

Offline waystin2

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2016, 02:03:07 PM »

You have touched on some valid points.  At this point I can only offer you how I am handling the exact same frustrations.  Do not post concerns here for everyone to see as this discussion really should be in the Allied side forum.  If there is no response from leadership to your concerns, then read the scenario write-up, Plan out a course of action for your group and rally your guys when Saturday comes around.  I am doing all of these things to insure that the POTW meet the commitment we made to the event.  Please do the same as your help will be appreciated in the coming frames.


CO for the Pigs On The Wing
& The nicest guy in Aces High!

Offline BushLT1

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2016, 09:19:47 PM »
Odd my only problem is life is busy. If home I will walk on. It always seems we get enough players to have fun :salute

Offline KCDitto

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2016, 09:23:24 PM »
Sorry to hear Odd

But the AXIS guys are having a very exciting time with practice and planning.

Plus bonus awards for participation


Offline O2b1-2

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2016, 09:28:21 PM »
 :cheers: wow them girls got double D rinks... Was going to walk on lowest side leaning to axis now...

Offline Halo46

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2016, 11:17:03 PM »
  When I first decided to jump into a scenario with my squadron as a group, I was pretty
   Now, having seen the extremely low interest level both by my squadron in general, and
the Aces High community, I find myself wondering why I even bothered.
  I'm at the point now where I've no enthusiasm at all for it.
No news about the first frame in either of the two scenario forums I've access to: General and Allied.
And hell, a simple question I had about which gun package my Hurricane IIs would be packing
for the first frame went unanswered by "command".
  Flame away if ya like. But I personally am done with these after this one.

Regards, Odd

I feel ya Mr. Oddball. If it is not one thing it is another. I remember after having flown 3 or 4 scenarios, maybe more, I asked for patches and even sent a donation greater than the cost of the patches. I never received anything but an auto response message saying my request had been received. Asked by pm or email a few more times for more info, never heard a single word back. The donation did not make me feel I was "owed" anything; the donation was my way of thanking the persons hard work, the 'offer' of the patches made me feel I was owed something. I know the guys running things get busy, but I think they should get more help so they can take care of the individual, because for every individuals bad experience they lose his/her support and anyone he/she may influence about it. The patches weren't the reason I stopped flying scenarios though, I stopped because they ceased being fun for reasons similar to those you express. (It first started with MA play atmosphere, then Scenario and FSO excitement waned in my case) I know they don't like people griping in the general public forums, but if they took a harder look at the root causes of why you are expressing them they wouldn't feel they need to hide the issues within the 'scenario community'.

Used to fly as Halo46, GRHalo, Hobo and Punk at the end.

Offline Brooke

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2016, 10:33:25 AM »
I asked for patches . . .

Sorry about that.

I'm the guy who did patches.  I thought that everyone who sent me a check got a patch.

Message me your address and which patches you want, and I will send them along.

Reason for patches going by the wayside is that I couldn't keep up with it, especially during the time my twin daughters were born, and even though folks donated -- which I appreciate a lot -- the extra cost to me was about $200 per patch run, so I stopped making new ones.

Offline Randy1

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2016, 11:00:17 AM »
Odd, these events are one of those things you have to make that first step to enjoy the long road.  Most seem to think, "I know I enjoy what I am doing now is fun.  Why should I change?"

The other missing ingredient is the air of competition.  The we're going to kick your bellybutton trash talk.

Offline Brooke

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2016, 11:07:19 AM »
Overall, enthusiasm comes from players.

In this regard, there are three types of players.

1.  Players who have and make enthusiasm.
2.  Players who don't make enthusiasm on their own but can be enthusiastic if there are enough other enthusiastic players around.
3.  Players who aren't enthusiastic regardless.

Type 1 players spark it all.  For folks who want more enthusiasm in the game, please try to become a type 1 player -- we need more of them.  They are the beating heart of the game.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 11:09:20 AM by Brooke »

Offline KCDitto

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2016, 11:35:30 AM »

We (THE AXIS) are going to sink every damn ship and flatten every building on MALTA and there is not a damn thing your SPITDWEEBS can do about it!

Is that the trash talk you are talking about?    :rofl

Offline kilo2

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2016, 02:02:16 PM »
Just make sure it is state approved enthusiasm.
X.O. Kommando Nowotny

"Never abandon the possibility of attack."

Offline Alpo

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Re: Enthusiasm Has Gone By The Wayside
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2016, 03:44:34 PM »

Yeah... that's it  :noid 
SkyKnights Fighter Group -CO-
R.I.P.  SKDenny 02/03/1940 - 02/19/2012
