Author Topic: CH pedals  (Read 2985 times)

Offline hgtonyvi

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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2016, 02:41:48 PM »
I have my CH pedals for about 5 years. It's in great condition and works great. Just make sure you wipe it at least every two weeks to keep it clean and not make any dust gets into it. I also have a CH combat stick for 5 years also. I might be working on getting a track IR and CH throttle. Reason I want the CH throttles is to get precise throttle work. I'm using buttons on my stick and that's not giving me accurate throttle work.

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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2016, 07:42:52 AM »
I have the VKB Rudder Pedals from Europe. They have an up/down motion like u were asking about. They are nice for using with an office chair on wheels. Very well built.

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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2016, 10:42:09 PM »
I'm sure I'll find somebody lol
Really look forward to this
Ill go with you to the TA if you want. DA is ok but in the TA you'll get more time riding edge as we can't kill each other. If it wasn't for bighorn doing this for me, they'd have been quickly returned so I guess it's time to pay it forward :)
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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2016, 02:18:22 AM »
Be prepared to hate your virtual life for 2 weeks but after that you're going to wonder how you ever did without them. ---

Here's some medical facts: It'll take you the two weeks Vudak mentioned to remember you should use the pedals instead of what you've been used to use. It'll take about three months for your brain to build new neural connections for making using pedals as natural as walking.

Offline Zacherof

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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2016, 07:09:58 AM »
Ill go with you to the TA if you want. DA is ok but in the TA you'll get more time riding edge as we can't kill each other. If it wasn't for bighorn doing this for me, they'd have been quickly returned so I guess it's time to pay it forward :)
Ok then! I'll be out of town for work most of feburary so in March I'll get back to you for this! Or sooner if my return gets to me fast haha
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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2016, 09:37:53 PM »

I can't remember how long it took for me to get use to using them. But it really wasn't That big a deal. I use auto takeoff all the time plus half the time I don't use the rudders at all. I do like them when I need them though. Carrier landings are a squeak without them.

I have cleaned them once in the 3 years I've owned them. I own all three CH products. The only problem I've ever had was with the throttle after my granddaughter (2 years old at the time) slammed it forward into the top level of the computer desk. It was never right after that and I had to eventually buy a new one.


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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2016, 06:40:46 AM »
The biggest thing is I need to make my left hand availabile to adjust throttle and talk on vox if needed instead of fiddling with my rudder keys
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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2016, 07:20:05 PM »
So my pedals get her tomorrow.
Now I just need a teacher for a day to tell me what's what's and how to use em n such.
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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2016, 07:39:58 PM »
For starters just push the right pedal every time you roll right and the left pedal every time you roll left.

Practice 4 point rolls while flying level.

Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2016, 09:24:40 PM »
Which pedal model moves like gas pedals or base drum pedals, rather than the realistic sliding/push pedals like the MFG?

Those MFGs are a work of art by the way.


I have and use a 21+ year old set of CH rudder pedals, the gameport version that came before the CH Pro rudder pedals...

Of the 8 to 10 CH Pro rudder pedals I have had, both gameport and USB type... I never liked them as much as I do my old regular ch model.... they are the pivoting type like a gas/brake pedals.... I use a radio shack gameport to USB adapter, and they are still working great after all these years...and when I'm playing racing game, I just slide the switch, so they work for gas and brake pedals....

I've gave away at least 6 ch Pro pedals, several thrust master pedals and a set of saitek pedals...

Still looking to find another set of these first kind ancient ch rudder pedals...for back up, once and if the ones I'm using finally quit working....

The thrust master pedals and the saitek pedals, to me seemed to have been the best built, at the time....been a few or so years though....

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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2016, 09:29:23 PM »
So my pedals get her tomorrow.
Now I just need a teacher for a day to tell me what's what's and how to use em n such.
Take a jeep out for a spin using your rudder to steer.  Remember you have to set the pedals in mode 2.  That will get your feet in tune to left and right.

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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2016, 10:55:01 PM »
CH is crap!

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Offline Zacherof

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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #27 on: February 29, 2016, 07:10:12 AM »
I feel like I'm going to want to murder my feet before the week is out lol

Thank you for the responses! :salute
In game name Xacherof
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Offline Gman

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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #28 on: February 29, 2016, 04:01:05 PM »
TC I have a pair of those CH 'Ch Pedals' too that are about that old, gameport version too, but they are dead.  I love the pedal motion, just the foot pedal moves, not the entire base like the current USB pedals do (and almost every other set).  I've tried the Crosswinds, have a set of the 109 Slaws (similar to Crosswind, only a bit better, IMO), and think the VKB are probably the most precise - sort of like the old style CH.  Instead of moving your entire leg, or at least from the knee down, you only need to move your ankle, as the pedal is fixed and only pushes ahead, sort of like having the toe brakes on the current CH USB pedals BE the rudder movement.  Less motion with the skeletal system = less gross motor skill, which IMO = more precise.  It's all personal pref though, for certain.

Whoever said "2 weeks" to stop automatically using the wrist for rudder instead of feet when making that transition is absolutely right too.  Same thing with TrackIR, you'll be using your thumb still for a while before just looking becomes 2nd nature.

You'll pick it up fast Zach, it'll give you shooting opportunities that you never had before, big time, compared to twisty or keyboard rudder. 

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Re: CH pedals
« Reply #29 on: February 29, 2016, 05:01:36 PM »
I like the CH pedals they are not as comfortable as the Saiteks though.