Author Topic: Please rate these scenarios:  (Read 2512 times)

Offline Brooke

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Please rate these scenarios:
« on: February 20, 2016, 09:21:18 PM »
Please rate:
-- Southern Conquest (the one we just finished)

Please use the following rating system from +5 to -5 where:
+5 = absolutely loved it
  0 = take it or leave it (i.e., don't care if I played in it or not)
-5 = absolutely hated it (wish I didn't play in it)

Please also rate any of these that you remember:
-- Target for Today (May, 2015)
-- Battle Over the Winter Line (January, 2015)
-- The Pacific War (June, 2014)
-- Battle of Britain 2013 (Sept, 2013)
-- Mediterranean Maelstrom (March, 2013)
-- Der Grosse Schlag II (October, 2012)
-- Winter Sky Death Ground (March, 2012)
-- Enemy Coast Ahead (October, 2011)
-- Road to Rangoon (May, 2011)
-- Battle Over Germany (Jan., 2011)
-- Philippine Phandango (July, 2010)
-- The Final Battle (Feb., 2010)
-- Red Storm Krupp Steel (Oct., 2009)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 11:53:45 PM by Brooke »

Offline jeffn

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2016, 10:25:46 PM »

First one I have participated in, in a very long time
Jagdgeschwader 11


Offline branch37

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2016, 12:27:16 AM »
Southern Conquest, I would give a +5 if not for a few little things that didn't really affect the overall results, but kinda annoyed me.  I.e the confusing second life rules.  The rules got straightened out in later frames, and were great then, but a little confusing at first. 

Target for Today. +5   I just don't know how often the 12 hour thing should pop up in the rotation. 
Battle over the Winter line 0  Honestly don't remember it but I know I was there.  :confused:
The Pacific War.  +5  I loved the fact that instead of lives, each side was given a specific number of aircraft.  There just needs to be a better way to enforce it.
Battle of Britain  +5  What's not to like about BoB?  Liked the capability to rescue downed pilots to save a life.
Mediterranean Maelstrom 0  Don't remember this one either.
Der Grosse Schlag II +5  Even though I am garbage in a K4, it was still fun.  Also the first scenario I participated in.

CMDR Branch37
VF-17 Jolly Rogers  C.O.

Offline fudgums

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2016, 06:39:43 AM »
Target For Today - +5
Battle over Germany - +2
Philippine  - -3
The Final Battle - +3
Red Storm - +1
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Offline Hajo

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2016, 07:55:56 AM »
Southern Conquest  +5
- The Flying Circus -

Offline Randy1

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2016, 07:59:58 AM »
All the January Scenarios like the Southern Conquest.


Offline Molsman

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2016, 12:09:04 PM »
Here are my Views and Rating's.

This Past Scenario was Fun but I am tossed on the Flight Launch Windows for example if you survived thru the first window then a few minutes later your shot down and the Flight window is closed you have to wait almost an hr to fly again and I think that may of turned some players off (even though we could gun). The other good thing was that it gave us the chance to regroup and prepare for the Second wave. I think either 2 or 3 lives Max would work and probably would also work out like the launch windows but not a 100% sure. The Scenario Teams puts alot of Effort and Research into these events and these are one of the main Features of the Game I would love to see them continue. The 12 hour event I could not do because of Work so I am partial to the 4 hr events gives us something to look forward to each week like we look forward to FSO.

I also think if we run a scenario at the evening hours we may get more players to join up so we are not loosing out on Saturday after noons plus with the Warmer Weather coming up numbers always drop.

Just my 2 Cents


Please also rate any of these that you remember:
-- Target for Today (May, 2015) Did not fly in
-- Battle Over the Winter Line (January, 2015) +5
-- The Pacific War (June, 2014) did not fly in
-- Battle of Britain 2013 (Sept, 2013) +4
-- Mediterranean Maelstrom (March, 2013) Not sure if I was there
-- Der Grosse Schlag II (October, 2012) +++++5
-- Winter Sky Death Ground (March, 2012) +5 I liked the change up from Air to Ground Battles
-- Enemy Coast Ahead (October, 2011) +4
-- Road to Rangoon (May, 2011) +3
-- Battle Over Germany (Jan., 2011)++++++++++5 Liked this the most since it was done on Saturday nights
-- Philippine Phandango (July, 2010) +5 Was my first Scenario when I came back to the Game
-- The Final Battle (Feb., 2010) was not here
-- Red Storm Krupp Steel (Oct., 2009) was not here
JG11, DerWanderZirkus, -The Flying Clowns-
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2016, 12:18:47 PM »
Please also rate any of these that you remember:
3 -- Target for Today (May, 2015)
4 -- Battle Over the Winter Line (January, 2015)
4 -- The Pacific War (June, 2014)
4 -- Battle of Britain 2013 (Sept, 2013)
-- Mediterranean Maelstrom (March, 2013)
5 -- Der Grosse Schlag II (October, 2012)
2 -- Winter Sky Death Ground (March, 2012)
-- Enemy Coast Ahead (October, 2011)
-- Road to Rangoon (May, 2011)
5 -- Battle Over Germany (Jan., 2011)
-- Philippine Phandango (July, 2010)
-- The Final Battle (Feb., 2010)
-- Red Storm Krupp Steel (Oct., 2009)
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline wil3ur

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2016, 01:40:03 PM »
My favorite by far has been Krup Steel +5, that had some amazing weather, actual snow terrain and the ability to relaunch when dead, but limited lives. 

I understand the launch window aspect to keep things interesting, but like yesterday...  I was killed after the launch window was reopened, even though it was my first death, after flying around for an hour waiting for the allied attack.  I had no interest in waiting around another 30 minutes, to launch and spend another hour hoping to not run out of gas before the allied bombers arrive on scene, so I left upon my death.  My 2 cents.
"look at me I am making a derogatory remark to the OP"

Offline Kanth

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2016, 02:21:10 PM »
Southern Conquest   was my first scenario +5   :aok
i haven't been around long enough to have seen any others.
Gone from the game. Please see Spikes or Nefarious for any admin needs.

Offline swareiam

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2016, 04:19:18 PM »
If my memory serves me well:

+5 -- Target for Today (May, 2015) Awesome all day event.
+4 -- Battle Over the Winter Line (January, 2015) My first scenario design.
+4 -- The Pacific War (June, 2014) Great multi-stage event.
+5 -- Battle of Britain 2013 (Sept, 2013) First scenario with the scenario team. Axis CO and winner!
-2 -- Mediterranean Maelstrom (March, 2013) The balance was off on this event.
+5 -- Der Grosse Schlag II (October, 2012) AWESOMENESS!!!
+2 -- Winter Sky Death Ground (March, 2012) Interesting event...
+1 -- Enemy Coast Ahead (October, 2011) Not memorible.
+3 -- Road to Rangoon (May, 2011) The Battle of Britain in the Far East.
0 -- Battle Over Germany (Jan., 2011) The  only major scenario that I did not participate in.
+2 -- Philippine Phandango (July, 2010) XO'd for the Axis. Fun but over matched by Allied planeset.
+3 -- The Final Battle (Feb., 2010) I got a ME262 kill. What's not to like. :-)
-3 -- Red Storm Krupp Steel (Oct., 2009) Axis CO. First time COing an AH scenario. Glad that I am past it.

Scenarios are a great AH event. Everyone should participate. Scenarios are always better the more players you have.

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2016, 09:10:22 PM »
-- Philippine Phandango (July, 2010) +1 First Scenario, got my arse handed to me every frame very quickly. Don't recall any setup issues.
-- Battle Over Germany (Jan., 2011) +5 Best Scenario by far. Rolling planeset while maintaining squadron continuity, evening timeslot meant a large player base.
-- Road to Rangoon (May, 2011) +1 The only memorable moment for me was an engagement between my squad's Ki-45s (110C) and a bunch of Brewsters. The 110s dominated!
-- Enemy Coast Ahead (October, 2011) -2 There's a reason us KN guys still call this one "Allies Don't Go Feet Wet" This is a case study in abusing no-fly zones. Waste of a good planeset.
-- Winter Sky Death Ground (March, 2012) + 2 Nice matchup, cool use of GV's. Problem was in the proposed policy of forcing downed pilots into those GVs - thankfully that was avoided.
-- Der Grosse Schlag II (October, 2012) +2 A lesser version of BOG. No rolling planeset and daytime running are the only negatives here, still very fun.
-- Mediterranean Maelstrom (March, 2013) -3 Balance issues abound, essentially unlimited Allies planes. This was the only scenario I really did not enjoy. And I had 109F's!
-- Battle of Britain 2013 (Sept, 2013) No grade - RIP Jg3.
-- The Pacific War (June, 2014) -5 Did not participate because I believe that this "scenario" was just a series of snapshots. No continuity between frames plane or squadron wise.
-- Battle Over the Winter Line (January, 2015) +2 If I didn;t have so much fun, I would have graded it a -2 based on the writeup. The scoring was a joke and the plane matchups were imbalanced - 1943 Luft vs 1944 USAAF. Also missed a golden opportunity to be the best scenario, had a BOG-esque rolling planeset been used alongside fixing the other issues. 
-- Target for Today (May, 2015)+3 This was an absolute blast to participate in, but very tiring. The major flaw here was in having a single frame event, you miss the chance to bond with the players you don't normally fly with that are part of your scenario squad - practice helps, but there's nothing like multiple frames of a true scenario.
-- Southern Conquest  - I passed on this one for the same reasons as The Pacific War. Glad you all had fun playing it, but I expect more than Snapshots in a Scenario.
Kommando Nowotny

Offline Beefcake

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2016, 09:47:11 PM »
-- Target for Today (May, 2015)
+5 Loved it, was a ton of fun and constant action.

-- Battle Over the Winter Line (January, 2015)
+3 Fun event, but I had issues with how the ord bunker rules were set. My squad was locked out of flying in frames 1 & 2 despite having 1 life left.

-- The Pacific War (June, 2014)
+0 Didn't participate.

-- Battle of Britain 2013 (Sept, 2013)
+5 What can I say? He-111's for the win.

-- Mediterranean Maelstrom (March, 2013)
+0 Didn't participate.

-- Der Grosse Schlag II (October, 2012)
+0 Didn't participate.

-- Winter Sky Death Ground (March, 2012)
+0 Didn't participate.

-- Enemy Coast Ahead (October, 2011)
+0 Didn't participate.

-- Road to Rangoon (May, 2011)
+1 Wasn't bad but life as a Betty pilot was rough.

-- Battle Over Germany (Jan., 2011)
+9000 (+5) This has to be one of the best scenarios I've flown in, loved all 7 frames of it. Forgot to add that this event was great for me since it took place at 7PM (or was it 9PM) on Saturday nights.

-- Philippine Phandango (July, 2010)
+5 Was awesome getting to engage shipping with the B25H.

-- The Final Battle (Feb., 2010)
-5 As an Axis bomber pilot this had to be one the most frustrating events I've ever flown in. I will not participate in this one again without a serious overall of rules and targets.

-- Red Storm Krupp Steel (Oct., 2009)
+4 Loved B25's with red stars.

-- Dawn of Battle (Early 2009)
+30 NOE B25's in desert camo baby!
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 09:50:05 PM by Beefcake »
Retired Bomber Dweeb - 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF

Offline Flossy

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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2016, 02:48:18 AM »
I also think if we run a scenario at the evening hours we may get more players to join up so we are not loosing out on Saturday after noons plus with the Warmer Weather coming up numbers always drop.

That would be all very well for you players in the US but what about those of us in Europe/UK?  You already have FSO every month and want to take the scenarios as well? 
Flossy {The Few}
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Re: Please rate these scenarios:
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2016, 03:01:03 AM »
+2 -- Target for Today (May, 2015) - not fond of 12h also bad for Euro players who need to stay though night, limited C&C
+4 -- The Pacific War (June, 2014) - one of the best scenarios ever great concept, love CV action (for frames 1 to 3 I'd give +5) also 4th frame was somewhat out of context - that is why it is 4 not 5
+5 -- Battle of Britain 2013 (Sept, 2013) - absolutely fantastic scenario - classic stuff.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 03:03:00 AM by artik »
Artik, 101 "Red" Squadron, Israel