If my memory serves me well:
+5 -- Target for Today (May, 2015) Awesome all day event.
+4 -- Battle Over the Winter Line (January, 2015) My first scenario design.
+4 -- The Pacific War (June, 2014) Great multi-stage event.
+5 -- Battle of Britain 2013 (Sept, 2013) First scenario with the scenario team. Axis CO and winner!
-2 -- Mediterranean Maelstrom (March, 2013) The balance was off on this event.
+5 -- Der Grosse Schlag II (October, 2012) AWESOMENESS!!!
+2 -- Winter Sky Death Ground (March, 2012) Interesting event...
+1 -- Enemy Coast Ahead (October, 2011) Not memorible.
+3 -- Road to Rangoon (May, 2011) The Battle of Britain in the Far East.
0 -- Battle Over Germany (Jan., 2011) The only major scenario that I did not participate in.
+2 -- Philippine Phandango (July, 2010) XO'd for the Axis. Fun but over matched by Allied planeset.
+3 -- The Final Battle (Feb., 2010) I got a ME262 kill. What's not to like. :-)
-3 -- Red Storm Krupp Steel (Oct., 2009) Axis CO. First time COing an AH scenario. Glad that I am past it.
Scenarios are a great AH event. Everyone should participate. Scenarios are always better the more players you have.