A few years ago, I was successfully including multiple vehicle skins in my terrains. I thought I'd give the new skin editor a whirl with the primary goal of learning the new texture system and with the hope of updating a skin that's laid dormant on my HD for almost a decade.
I exported the b17g, renamed the folder to b17g1 and renamed the exported diffuse, _S and _N textures to match. All looked good in the skin viewer when it listed b17g1 and "loaded it". I even added the text file with the submittal name of the "b17g" project so I wouldn't forget later.
Here's where I ran into trouble.
I expected the Diffuse map to be a 24 bit rgb bitmap with no alpha channel. The viewer exported a 16 MB diffuse bitmap suggesting 32 bits with an alpha channel. The _S (4MB grayscale) and the _N (16MB) files looked as I expected, along with the usual interior files we always removed in the past.
Some of you may already see where I went wrong, but I still haven't figured it out.
I opened the diffuse map in GIMP and confirmed it was a 3 channel rgb bitmap, so no alpha channel showed, just as I thought a diffuse texture is supposed to be. I wondered where those extra 4 MBs went, but accepted it at face value.
Eventually I wanted to see if my panel lines were matching up between the upper and lower wing members so I exported the diffuse texture and took a look. I expected the diffuse changes to show with the current _S and _N files but they didn't.
I tried every bitmap format available from GIMP and Ivew and haven't seen any change from the original default skin. I'd expect to get a black or gray model in the skin viewer if it were a problem with the diffuse format but no. Then I did a clean install of Beta 23 and started again.
After the clean install of Beta 23, it was rinse and repeat with no joy.
Then I came here and looked for anything that might suggest where I went wrong but if it's here, I haven't found it. I need to know what's supposed to happen so I know if my problem is GIMP, the Beta, my formatting etc. etc. etc.
Any help is much appreciated!