Tested the small VH pad ramp with an M8 and Jeep. Just after leaving the ramp onto the flat grass both vehicles bounce up about 10ft. The jeep nose dives into the ground before the bounce to the level of the hood. After the bounce if the jeep hits a wall, gets stuck there with controller inputs disabled. Towering is the only solution.
V139 has trees in the buildings and the map room. If this setup was cloned for the other two bases on the top of the caldera rim, then it is happening with all three small VH at the top of the caldera.
I kept trying to hit trees and buildings at other Vbases that would cause my M8 to stick, no joy as of yet.
Update on ramp, no vehicle is immune to the 10ft bounce, and a got a tiger2 stuck against the building it bounced against.