Would you mind doing mine as well? Starting tour for this account would be Tour 20. Thanks!
P38G, 53 kills, 29 deaths, K/D 1.77 <--- as my buddy Odd-Caf would say SLACKER!
P38J, 38877 kills, 9610 deaths, K/D 4.05
P38L, 16339 kills, 5588 deaths, K/D 2.92
What program is that??
Its a program that Spatula built that you can set the parameters (tours, name, arena) and it will run and pull the data the the scores page has. It does it all by it's self, you dont have to run each tour and so on. The trade off due to how it it written so that it doesn't over work HTC servers is that in the case of AKAK's it took 35 minutes for it to compile the info. It then puts it into a "spread sheet type" setup so you can look at the info.