I like to fly challenging planes in the MA, where it's obviously not fair.
Any person with a sense of logic would tell you that late war planes have the ultimate advantage. It's the perfect example of evolution and survival of the fittest. Year by year faster planes were being produced. Better guns and ammo were being manufactured. The late war planes by far have the greatest advantages.
Hi tech does an incredible job of modeling planes such that they perform in adoption to what they were actually capable of in WW2.
Of course you can run away with your 1944 against a 1942 plane
Every plane has a strength and a weakness. 1942 planes have different strenghts and weaknesses comparatively than to 1944 planes which are better on all levels.
It's great because when you fight in scenarios, you can really feel what it's like to fight against planes that are matched up for the year they were in the war. You really have some great fights.
This game pisses me the F off a lot. I will admit, and I'm sure a lot of people have seen me pissed off. But it's pretty close to the real concept and it's dog eat dog. There is no fairness. You have to really understand the planes, awareness, and ACM to be good at it. Thats why I love playing this game. That's why most people don't have the patients to stick around long enough to be good at it or have fun. You have to really want to learn how to be good at the game or you will die, a lot. I got my bellybutton beat for 6 months when I started this game. Then got my bellybutton beat for another year and learned so much about the game in the MA after H2H. I joined a squad and learned how to Bomb, capture bases, dive bomb, shoot rockets. I wanted to be one of the best in fighters and I practiced a a lot in the DA. I have learned so much about how to be successful in almost every fighter and it's always a new challenge.
I've played this game for over 10 years and the MA is what it is. It's a death pool that's not fair. I think it's perfect but it does take a lot of skill to be successful, much more in mid/early war planes. It brings so much more of a challenge and that's why I continue to play the game.