The article linked from Patrick Deneen, Minding the Campus, February 2, 2016. At least for America, can help us to not apply a blanket label called "millennial". Instead look at a process that has been in place to achieve an outcome for fitting this generation into another culture some of us do not agree with, which elevates the denial of America as a core principle to fitting in.
Calling them millennials does both sides a disservice since not all of them fit the model most see in their mind when they hear "millennial". The greater grievance which seems to be lost upon the millennial generation, is their lack of common western classical knowledge and social norms which has been required up until their generation, to maintain the unique culture called America. The 100 great works of western civilization are no longer required reading or encountered in most public institutions other than as a component of a specialized degree.
They seem to be very conflicted on what is America, what is an American, and lack any attachment to the visceral national identity of being an American. So at this point, we might as well be south america, china, or even syria from their point of view so long as they have jobs, the internet and what ever else gets them through the day.