Welcome Reaper! Good to see another Georgain on here! I live about an hour east of you down I-20. There are a lot of good squads to get with around here. I definitely recommend trying out a few squads before you pick one to call home. Your more than welcome to hang with our squad for a bit if you wish. We rotate countries usually at the beginning of each month (currently with the Bish) and have Squad Night on Fridays at 9PM Eastern time. We are a very laid back group of guys + gal that enjoy messing around and getting into some kinda action. You can find us on VOX 299, usually there are a hand full of on in the afternoons into the evening. We use TeamSpeak for the majority of our communications and you can get the server address from someone over VOX 299.
Feel free to check out our website at
BlackWidows.co and feel free to PM me or Email me at Delta@blackWidows.co