Author Topic: This Week - July 18th in AH3 - Kesserine!  (Read 496 times)

Offline Easyscor

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This Week - July 18th in AH3 - Kesserine!
« on: July 18, 2016, 08:42:07 PM »
While in the AH2 arena, Hitler attacks Pearl Harbor, we have Kesserine! running in AH3 this week.

On 8 November, 1942, the Americans landed in Morocco and Algeria along with their British Allies. By the 17th, they were in Tunisia on a front stretching from Beja through Pichon, Sidi bon Zid, and to Gafsa, but it was a very thinly manned line. The Axis responded, first with Stukas at Beja and leveled the town. When the French General Barre in Medjez-el-Bab finally threw in with the Allies, the opposing armies were on his doorstep. The ensuing battle was brutal and forced an Allied retreat toward Beja. The battle for northern Tunisia would stalemate at Medjez-el-Bab. December and January would pass as the stalemate continued but on Valentines Day, 1943, Rommel attacked the Americans not in the north, but in central Tunisia.

With hindsight, it could be debated that the Allied Command leadership up to this point in North Africa was criminal. There was certainly plenty of blame to be shared. Indefensible positions at Fiad Pass were lost, then Sidi bon Zid fell. Gafsa was abandoned. Sbeitla and Kesserine were left undermanned and inviting to the Wehrmacht due to poor radio discipline and finally, withdrawal.

It is at this desperate juncture on February 20th that we pick up the battle with a ragtag force of Americans holding Kesserine Pass west of the town of the same name.

Aircraft are traditionally available at all vBase in the AvA. No bombs on any fighter except the Bf110C-4.


A20G 4x250lb or 2x500 lb bombs
P39D, Q
Spit V, IX
Hurri IIC
B-25C 8x250 lb bombs
Boston III with 4x250 lb bombs

M4s (76mm) + Sherman


C. 202
Ju-87D Stuka 1x250 + 4x50kg
He-111 32x50kg or 8x250kg

Panzer IV F, H
Tiger I
SdKfz 251

Terrain: avatunis


Friendly icons-- 3k
Enemy icons-- 0k
Radar everywhere
Killshooter is on.
Visibility is 12.0 miles
Fuel burn rate is 1.0
Ack settings are .25
Base capture: 10 troops

Designer notes:
P38-G wasn't there in time to participate and would over balance the setup.
Spitfire Mk IX was there and is countered by the Fw190A-5, a sub for the A-4.
Bf109G-2 was referenced as being in N. Africa in this time period and helps balance.
To encourage tank battles, Fighters have no bombs and the bombers have bombloads limited to some of their smallest loadouts. The A20 is defanged but might be restored if the Axis use their bombers to kill the tank battles.
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001