Author Topic: Sunday Dueling Arena - July 24th 7pm-9pm EST ALL Welcome  (Read 586 times)

Offline AAJaded

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Sunday Dueling Arena - July 24th 7pm-9pm EST ALL Welcome
« on: July 23, 2016, 07:31:54 AM »
After a missed week, tomorrow, Sunday July 24th marks the return of our Sunday Dueling Arena meet ups!

We will gather in the first three bases of Death Canyon in sector 8. We ask that you stay in the country you are assigned to by the server, however if we notice a huge difference in sides we may ask you to swap around. 

5000 max alt, let's keep it in the canyon walls, no HO  (though we understand the chance of accidental ho, especially when the is a sea of red, but if it looks like a HO or could be confused for a HO, keep your finger off the trigger).  Vox 237

New members: feel free to use this event add s chance to gain experience, meet new players and maybe even find a squad if you don't have one

Older members: use this time to hone your skills, practice situation awareness, help the newbies and settle those dang 200 disputes!

Sunday July 24th 7 to 9 PM EST