Author Topic: Text channel question  (Read 446 times)

Offline 1stpar3

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Text channel question
« on: July 25, 2016, 03:42:04 AM »
I know, I could have tried it out but wanted to ask before I forgot about it! Is windows speech recognition able to work in AH? Reason I ask is, with the VR devices you cant see the keyboard? Is there a way of typing in text channel with VR? If not, the speech recognition would be a perfect fit. I am looking to get a VR device but I have a few problems typing as it is, let alone without looking! lol If it did work like it does in windows it would be pretty cool to be able to use voice commands to use features you didn't have enough buttons to program. Sort of Clint Eastwood Star fox, or what ever that movie was. I know could have googled the name lol :uhoh
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