With the alt cap, you have to work a quick merge and attempt to get inside their emmilmann or turn. Because you don't have to worry about getting roped, the person who gets inside on the first Emmilmann typically has a better chance at winning. In Koth, it's better to start the merge around 3K so you have the ability to take the fight vertical without going over the cap. You can either do a quick horizontal turn and then pull up into their merge, this works sometimes, but is hard to perform against really good opponents who do a direct emmilmann sharply. You can do a sharp spiral climb merge to which ever way the torque rolls the plane, if you don't have a good rolling plane. Continue to use the torque as you go into the second climb or turn. If you do have a good rolling plane, i think it's best to do a direct emmilmann and use the rolls rate to change position at the top to get you in a good position for the next Emmilmann or spiral climb, or horizontal turn. If you can get inside their emmilmann, you have a good chance at winning if they go for a rope merge. You can slow down your merge speed by cutting a little bit of throttle, you can use rudder to help you get the nose over or get the nose inward, more quickly as you come around from the spiral climb Emmilmann. Work on doing sharp emmilmanns as hard as you can. The key is to set you up for another vertical maneuver that you can use to gain the advantage. When you roll over on the opponent at the top of the second emmilann, cut throttle if you are rolling against the torque, and get a notch or 2 of flaps out if you can. It can be a game changer if you can roll over sharply after the second merge.