WOW! It's nice to be wanted. Especially at my age.

I think everyone knows I fly the Spits a lot, but I'm also quite partial to the German rides, especially in FSO and Scenarios. Now, BFOOT wants me in a P38 and that is just a big mistake on all our parts.

Also, I have to admit I usually lean to the Axis side, partly for the perceived additional challenge as the losers of WWII.

I guess I'm just a sucker for the 'underdog'.

The logic of the underdog is... if you lose, well you weren't expected to win in the first place so no real shame as long as you gave it a gallant fight,

but if you win, it was a truly spectacular accomplishment and you are golden forever.

In summation, while I greatly appreciate everyone's offers, I'm going to think about this a bit until registration starts. But thanks ALL!