Hah, as much as I know getting request after all the work they've put in like this must piss them off, that plane has been a long, long time favorite and wish list number 1 for me too. Love the Italian planes, the Italians and Italy in general, and think the Centaur is beautiful and capable, great guns for sure. The Series I has 3 MG 151 and 2 50 cal Bredas, and it's fast too, 420mph or close to it at 22k. No idea how it'll stack up in rate/radius, but IMO it'd be a lot like a G14 maybe, with great fixed guns, and lots of ammunition. It has a lower wing loading than the P51 and 109, so who knows, maybe it'd turn with or better than both of those, and have good speed and pretty crazy firepower. I know only 300 were made, but we have perk planes like the Ta152 which are popular which had far, far less.