For those that want to try either one of these settings, here are the instructions to download and install SweetFX.
1. Download Reshade with SweetFX 2.0
here2. Unzip the file to your hard drive
3. Go to the location on your hard drive to the folder you unzipped Reshade to and run the Reshadesetup.exe program
4. Make sure auto-detect is checked (or you can manually select DirectX 11 or DirectX9) and click on "Select Game" and go to your AH folder and select Aceshigh11 (If you are running Windows XP or have a non-DirectX 11/12 compatible video card, then select Aceshigh9.exe)
5. You should get a message that SweetFX was successfully installed
Now it's time to add the SweetFX settings
1. Download either of my SweetFX settings
(Sharp Colors) (Technicolor)2. Unzip whichever setting you downloaded to your AH directory (C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High III\SweetFX)
3. In the SweetFX folder, rename "SweetFX_Settings" to "SweetFX_Settings.bak"
4. Rename the SweetFX setting you downloaded to "SweetFX_Settings"
Start AH3 and you should see a message in the upper left corner that will tell you if the settings loaded successfully, you'll also be able to tell by the changes to the look of the splash screen. Scroll Lock turns SweetFX on/off while in game.