Author Topic: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports  (Read 19384 times)

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2016, 04:15:06 PM »
Struggling with game sounds...It seems most is coming through my right ear....enviroment sound is constant in any direction I look...engine sounds are much stronger through the right ear unless I look right fwd position.... tank fire on town and around me is total encompassing of sound....I get no direction at all..

I am using logitech G930 headset .. and have tried the different modes for game sounds....

not really sure it is a bug or user error but thought I would post here as some may have found the solution for this.....
I have had to add high sides to my chair to stop falling out nhahahaha

Offline Electroman

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2016, 04:18:01 PM »
B17 - Bomber Sight

I noticed when in bomber sight and going over the clouds that the clouds "flip" or spin. This is likely due to the camera tracking / angles similar when in external view mode.

Skins - Skins are still changing on drone planes in particular when changing views in external F3 mode. If I look left / right at angles the skins flip then revert back.

Bombsight - The bomsight on not just B17's but all bombers appear to be WAY TO ZOOMED IN. Previously when at reasonable / high altitudes you could get a good view off in the distance for target lineup but now you almost have to be over top of the target and make quick adjustments to bomb. I'm running a 3 screen setup (3840 x 1024) but it looks like that happens in single screen as well. Can we get the bombsights zoomed out a little???


Offline Condor

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2016, 04:39:13 PM »
Logged on fine and attempt to check down times at a base. Downtime "box" slid out about halfway from map so I could see items but not times. Game froze. Ctrl-alt-del and cancel took me to the arena select screen. Attempted to select arena and exited to desktop. Logged in later and everything seemed fine was able to see down times at same field.
Balrog in game. Some day my performance may justify the name. LOL

Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2016, 04:49:19 PM »
Please post the film is this is the case.
Ok here are 2. Film 31 is the film that crashes film viewer, 32 is next recorded, works fine.
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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2016, 05:03:51 PM »
SFMA online:

1.  I've noticed when I'm in a GV near a tree or bushes, that I lose the plane icon flying near me.  The icon reappears after the plane passes.  It seems like there is an invisible bubble around the foliage that doesn't block the plane image, but blocks the icon.

2.  I experienced 4 or 5 screen freezes yesterday after the patch.  I was running all the sliders to the left (minimum) and reflections and shadows turned off.  I wasn't really having that much of an issue before.  I have 12GB of system memory and run a NVIDIA GTX780ti video card.

Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2016, 05:04:21 PM »
Sorry Hightech, at the time I never thought anything about, or how to save any information at the time the in game crash happened. I noticed before that some films wouldn't play, so started noting the film save number when I ended flight. Is there any thing I can do to get the info you would need to diagnose the problem?
"Life is short,break the rules,forgive quickly,kiss slowly,love truly,laugh uncontrollably,and never regret anything that made you smile."  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”- Mark Twain

Offline Condor

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #36 on: September 10, 2016, 05:08:39 PM »
While driving T34 from A21 to town found myself staring at the select arena screen. CTRL_ALT_DEL then cancel put me back in game.

While driving tank down steep hill into A21 town rolled through several large palm trees. Once at the bottom several similar palm trees stopped my tank. Sorry, forgot
Balrog in game. Some day my performance may justify the name. LOL

Offline DoKGonZo

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #37 on: September 10, 2016, 07:17:12 PM »
Most of this is minor stuff, some of which I'm sure has been reported. I didn't have much time to mess around. Overall this is stunning - the skydome makes a huge difference in the look of the game.

- The field gun selection in the hangar for some fields is upside down. Seems like the big fields mainly, but I didn't go into too much detail. But every time I tried to use a gun on a big field in the arena the gun selector was upside down.

- Some planes don't seem to have much room for adjustment in head position - Fw and F4U are the two I noticed right away - your face is right in the glass almost and you can't move back much at all.

- In order to keep 60fps I had to turn off shadows and reflections (reflections only cost 1-2 fps, actually, shadows was the big eater-of-frames). But that makes the interior of the hanger a real mess. The specularity you have set on the planes assumes there's a shadow and reflection - same with the area of the floor which shows time-of-flight for fuel load. Both of these get washed out with those gfx features disabled. I'm sure you'll optimize shadows before release, but its worth noting this side-effect.

- I like the new HUD, but why not allow us to put stuff in the top-left corner as well. With the new head positions I can't see ammo or compass on half the planes I like to fly anymore. But if these could be in the top-left corner of the HUD it'd be cool.

- The game starts in Windowed mode - which on my Win-10 box yields a white-screen until I alt-return. It may cut down on your customer support hassles to have the desktop icon launch in a different mode.

My only real concern for this is the same concern I have had for AH2 (and you can tell me to shove it and I won't mind): this is the best combat flight sim on the market, but it seems like the majority of people are in tanks or trying to kill tanks. There are other tank simulators out there, there isn't another combat flight sim out there that can touch AH. It seems like a shame to see 120 people in the arena and there's hardly any friendly or enemy bars anywhere on the map.


Offline BowHTR

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #38 on: September 10, 2016, 08:26:03 PM »
My only real concern for this is the same concern I have had for AH2 (and you can tell me to shove it and I won't mind): this is the best combat flight sim on the market, but it seems like the majority of people are in tanks or trying to kill tanks. There are other tank simulators out there, there isn't another combat flight sim out there that can touch AH. It seems like a shame to see 120 people in the arena and there's hardly any friendly or enemy bars anywhere on the map.


As this is still pre-release, i suspect that you will start finding more and more air fights as it gets closer to release and even once it is released.

Also, regarding your fps, make sure the environment mapping slider is set to none.
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Offline Los18z

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2016, 08:54:43 PM »
While Playing in VR dx11 mode using HTC-Vive latest release on vive and AH3.

My desktop resolution is 3840x2160 4k (Ge980ti 6gbvram and a 43" westinghouse we42uc4200). It runs great in DX9 mode. When I start the game in DX11 vr mode, in the desktop (not the headset)  the game is basically 90% offscreen and only the bottom  few inches or so of the game is visible in the main desktop. Everything runs perfectly fine in VR mode, (Fantastically really) but I have to take off my headset and move the mouse all the way up to the top of the screen so it is actually in the game in the desktop before the cursor becomes visible in my headset and I can select things.

No doubt this is a function of my desktop resolution but its not a problem I experience in any other vr game. It also means that if I'm showing someone AH3 in vr I can not see what they are seeing in the headset on the desktop. BTW this has been a problem in every beta release, never thought to mention it till now because its has never been this bad. In past betas I could see half the screen on my desktop. Just an FYI...


i7 core 4
980it 6gb vram
500gb ssd
1tb hdd
32gb ram
Full warthog setup
saitek combat pedals
43" westinghouse we42uc4200 monitor
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 08:57:06 PM by Los18z »

Offline Crash Orange

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2016, 09:23:35 PM »
For some reason the CraterMA map is still giving me much worse frame rates than any of the others. Settings that consistently give me ~50 fps on any other map I've seen give me around 30-35 fps in CraterMA. In busy fights with ack flying it goes as low as 25 fps at which point the game is nearly unplayable. The weird thing is that turning off detail and moving all the sliders all the way left has almost no effect (except the Environment map sides per frame or whatever, that's always at 0). I was able to get 50 fps by setting textures to 512k and leaving all detail off. Is anyone else having problems just with this map?

Offline FLS

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2016, 09:56:14 PM »

- Some planes don't seem to have much room for adjustment in head position - Fw and F4U are the two I noticed right away - your face is right in the glass almost and you can't move back much at all.

Head movement should be the same as AH2 but the default FOV was reduced from 106 to 80 so the appearance is different. The 80 FOV is also why the default view is tilted down to show more instruments, and centers on the gunsight when you zoom.

Offline DoKGonZo

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2016, 09:58:44 PM »
As this is still pre-release, i suspect that you will start finding more and more air fights as it gets closer to release and even once it is released.

Also, regarding your fps, make sure the environment mapping slider is set to none.

Yeah. I want to juggle the and shadow settings and see where the sweep spot is.

AH2 seems to be a mostly tank-driven game already. I played for a while a couple months ago and that's what I saw: as many people in GV's as anything else, and half the fighters were in A2G roles. Anyone in the air responded to GV's approaching a base. Maybe this is the financial model that HTC needs to sustain the business. I don't know. But all the competing products are lame by comparison in terms of simulating the "fighter/bomber pilot experience". All eye candy and "gee whiz, I can fly in chase view, wheee, I'm good at flight sims!"

This game was plenty fun before all these GV's everyplace. There simply isn't enough vulching going on. ;-)

Offline DoKGonZo

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2016, 10:07:26 PM »
Head movement should be the same as AH2 but the default FOV was reduced from 106 to 80 so the appearance is different. The 80 FOV is also why the default view is tilted down to show more instruments, and centers on the gunsight when you zoom.

I'm talking about the head position origin. Point-of-view coordinate.

Try the F4U-1A. The furthest back you can set your viewpoint lets you just barely see the top of the gauges. An extra 26 degrees that close to the dash won't improve things much. You can shift the viewpoint  forward til your chin is literally on top of the gun sight. That doesn't seem right. That's not a FoV issue - it actually feels like the "back" limit should be the "front limit" because that's the furthest I remember being able to push the viewpoint ahead in the Hawg.

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Re: Pre-release Patch 5 ** DX11 ** Released: Issues/Bug Reports
« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2016, 10:14:06 PM »
CTD bug.
1 I accept join other player.
2 and End sortie or eject, CTD.
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