Hello, all!

Registration is now open for Tunisia 1943 (the scenario that runs on October 22nd).
If you want to register, please follow these instructions. DO NOT POST IN THIS TOPIC -- E-MAIL ME TO REGISTER, PLEASE.
To register for the event,
please send e-mail to brooke@electraforge.com with the following information:
-- Your AH handle.
-- Your message-board name.
-- Name of your 1st-choice group (for example, "14th FG" or "JG 77", or whatever)
-- Name of your 2nd-choice group.
Available groups are as follows and are being filled on a first-come/first-served basis.
14th FG P-38G
1st FG P-38G
31st FG Spitfire V
33rd FG P-40F
350th FG P-39D
47th BG A-20 (use A-20G)
310th BG B-25C
319th BG B-26B
97th BG B-17G
JG 53 Bf 109G-2
JG 77 Bf 109G-2 and/or G-6 (as you see fit)
JG 2 FW 190A-5
SKG 10 FW 190A jabo (use FW 190F-8)
ZG 26 Bf 110C-4b
KG 54 Ju 88A-4
KG 76 Ju 88A-4
Regia Aeronautica
9 Gruppo C.202
The allied CO is AkWarHwk (BB name swareiam).
The axis CO's are HiTech (yes, the man himself) and Vudu (BB name Vudu15).
More information on the scenario is given here: