My good friend Qbert, has a way of stomping his feet sometimes

It is good to know, that since the alpha testing, many months ago, I have seen a number of suggestions from players take hold and become a part of what we see in this pre release of AH3. HTC, has let it be known that his priorities in addressing issues don't always meet with that of the testers.
Now, I have seen changes in map icon size (at least for player icon and vox icons), changes in visibility of tracers and smoke trails (very recently), a number of improvements to framerates (which enable greater detail through sliders), and many more that possibly Qbert and a casual observer might not pay attention to immediately. Most like myself, find it hard to go back to AH2 game play after exposure to the future (and hopefully near future) version.
My thoughts are, that in time, we will see improvements to those areas highlighted in this thread. My personal WANT...... I wish that bases surrounding HQ were uncapturable. I did notice 2 improvements to the HQ downtime situation that I am greatly in favor of: 1) Loss of HQ no longer kills friendly dot radar and 2) strat bases flash (at one point, HQ could be attacked without any visual map indicator).