Author Topic: Getting aclimated for newer players  (Read 898 times)

Offline 1stpar3

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Getting aclimated for newer players
« on: September 17, 2016, 12:58:30 AM »
I was wondering if iit would be possible to set up a pop up or something similar to direct those late to the party on the forums? It seems more and more new to III keep asking about stuff, that was more than explained on the forums . While I have no problem with sharing what I have figured out, it does get tedious. Got killed twice while answering simple questions. I know, SA, just would make it easier to get questions answered. Also, if its a long explanation the text buffer cut offs, make it difficult to explain a bit more with out gaps in the messages. Usually 3 or 4 guys cause the HOST to announce kills and there could be a significant space between posts.Figure if they cant get a few basic problems resolved, they may not even know about the observations from players, all through out the testing phase.
"Life is short,break the rules,forgive quickly,kiss slowly,love truly,laugh uncontrollably,and never regret anything that made you smile."  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”- Mark Twain