Author Topic: AHIII F3 mode  (Read 7090 times)

Offline lyric1

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Re: AHIII F3 mode
« Reply #45 on: October 09, 2016, 02:41:34 PM »
In AH2 the F3 mode would put you behind the plane and centered with the wings and fuselage.

In AH3 it puts you behind and what feels like 25 feet above the center.


(Image removed from quote.)

Many pilots in world war 1 opted to fly in F3 mode

Now that's funny.  :rofl

Offline save

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Re: AHIII F3 mode
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2016, 07:02:04 PM »

save, you're okay with mounting guns on a plane that never had them? Then why not put cannons on an Allison powered P-51? That would make the game a lot more fun for me, especially when I see Arados.

My point is when I see a A234 set, which happens once every month or so  it's negligible compared what you  do every day with a bomber set in the arenas.

A 100% throttle in formation is close to impossible IRL. A bomber killer like the Bf110g can't just catch them in the arena (or scenarios), ie they are useless in the role they where intended for.

I see Split-S's in a Lancasters, A20s doing incredible stunts- including hard-G dogfighting with bombs.

If I would see a P51 with 4 cannons once every month - maybe I would not care that much.

If  the arena would be full of 150 octane cannon-P51s  I would care so much I would probably spend my time elsewhere, of chase them down with a 262 until my perks run out.

The perk-free La-7 with 3 guns even though a small percentage flew them with the 3 guns is something I care more about.

Maybe the Arado will eventually be corrected, but priority must be issues that happens every single every day in the melee arena.

My 2 öre.
My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."