Author Topic: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....  (Read 2085 times)

Offline Beefcake

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Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« on: October 23, 2016, 01:24:49 PM »
*spins up He111*

Battle of Britain.  :D
Retired Bomber Dweeb - 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2016, 01:29:30 PM »
12 Hour Event.....6 Hour Side Switch!!  HAHA now That would be a logistical nightmare.  Maybe 12 hour event but 5 hours on, 2 hours to prep for side switch, 5 hours on new side. 
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline Zimme83

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2016, 01:38:05 PM »
12 hour BoB, 3 frames, first attacks against radars and factories, 2nd will be attacking airfields and 3rd attacking cities.
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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2016, 04:16:08 PM »
I begged for the 12 hr BoB :noid :noid :noid...I hope this one proves how awesome 12 hr scenarios are
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Offline KCDitto

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2016, 04:37:17 PM »
I begged for the 12 hr BoB :noid :noid :noid...I hope this one proves how awesome 12 hr scenarios are

Ditto  "WHITE 11" JG 11
Battle of Britain Scenario

Offline SIK1

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2016, 05:02:23 PM »
I would like to see something involving Rabaul.

444th Air Mafia since Air Warrior
Proudly flying with VF-17

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG54

Offline j500ss

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2016, 05:54:57 PM »
12 Hour Event.....6 Hour Side Switch!!  HAHA now That would be a logistical nightmare.  Maybe 12 hour event but 5 hours on, 2 hours to prep for side switch, 5 hours on new side.

Having only flown in 1 scenario over the years, but many a FSO.   I would love to see that.   I'm not sure it would, but none the less I think it is a interesting concept.


Offline nooby52

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2016, 07:32:34 PM »
My 2 cents: I've flown in only 1 12-hour scenario, but it was a blast. I think the 6- hr switch would be too much to pull off successfully . If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Flying as "South52" for VF-17 Jolly Rogers
17 Squadron - The Hardest Day Battle of Britain
204 Kokutai - Target Rabaul
610 Squadron -TFT Battle of Britain

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2016, 10:52:45 PM »
All I know is that I really liked the 12 hour format, which I wasn't sure I would.

It's a lot easier for me to get one day off work than four.  :D
JG11 "Sonderstaffel"

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2016, 12:17:56 AM »
Fighter Pilot's Summer-Channel Front 1941.  Described by RAF Ace Johnnie Johnson as the most intense air fighting of the war.  The RAF was pushing the fight across the Channel trying to tie up the Luftwaffe to take some of the pressure off the Russians as Operation Barbarossa had begun.

Hermann Goering ordered his fighters to intercept the RAF raids so there was constant combat.  The RAF would send a few bombers in surrounded by Spitfires and the Luftwaffe would be waiting up sun to drop in on them. 

Spit Is and Vs vs 109Es and Fs.  We keep talking about balance. That would be about as even as you could get and the fight would be intense and fast.

The RAF would run 2 to 3 raids a day.   The B of B vets were on their last operational flights.  Sailor Malan was pulled off Ops.  Douglas Bader was shot down August 8th and became a POW.   Adolph Galland finished up his combat flying, at least until the very end.

With the numbers of players these days, the fight would be condensed due to the range restrictions of the Spits. 

11 Group Fighter Wings vs JG2 and JG 26

Who could ask for more? :)
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline shotgunneeley

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2016, 11:19:39 AM »
As far as format goes, what about a Saturday-Sunday split with 6 hours each? This still captures the accessibility of the 12 hour format to all time zones while also making it less grueling and daunting for those wanting to participate in the entire event. Period of play during the day does not change in relation to previous events.

Option A: Frames 1 & 2 on Saturday 12pm - 6pm EST, then frames 3 & 4 on Sunday 6pm - 12am EST.
Option B: Frames 1 & 2 on Saturday 6pm - 12am EST, then frames 3 & 4 on Sunday 12pm - 6pm EST.

I'll participate in any scenario I can - there isn't a setup that turns me off. My favorite theme is a level bomber/intercept battle (Battle of Britain / Battle Over Germany).
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Game ID: ShtGn (Inactive), Squad: 91st BG

Offline BFOOT1

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2016, 12:15:54 PM »
Fighter Pilot's Summer-Channel Front 1941.  Described by RAF Ace Johnnie Johnson as the most intense air fighting of the war.  The RAF was pushing the fight across the Channel trying to tie up the Luftwaffe to take some of the pressure off the Russians as Operation Barbarossa had begun.

Hermann Goering ordered his fighters to intercept the RAF raids so there was constant combat.  The RAF would send a few bombers in surrounded by Spitfires and the Luftwaffe would be waiting up sun to drop in on them. 

Spit Is and Vs vs 109Es and Fs.  We keep talking about balance. That would be about as even as you could get and the fight would be intense and fast.

The RAF would run 2 to 3 raids a day.   The B of B vets were on their last operational flights.  Sailor Malan was pulled off Ops.  Douglas Bader was shot down August 8th and became a POW.   Adolph Galland finished up his combat flying, at least until the very end.

With the numbers of players these days, the fight would be condensed due to the range restrictions of the Spits. 

11 Group Fighter Wings vs JG2 and JG 26

Who could ask for more? :)
Yes, yes, yes!!!

BF-109F4 is calling my name!
Member of G3MF
III Gruppe, 8 Staffel, JG52, flying Black 12 (Kuban Scenario)

Offline Krusty

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2016, 04:01:16 PM »
*spins up He111*

Battle of Britain.  :D

Duuuude, if we get a BOB with no Ju88s and only He111s, I'd fly them right alongside you!

Offline Bruv119

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2016, 05:50:08 PM »
Fighter Pilot's Summer-Channel Front 1941.  Described by RAF Ace Johnnie Johnson as the most intense air fighting of the war.  The RAF was pushing the fight across the Channel trying to tie up the Luftwaffe to take some of the pressure off the Russians as Operation Barbarossa had begun.

Hermann Goering ordered his fighters to intercept the RAF raids so there was constant combat.  The RAF would send a few bombers in surrounded by Spitfires and the Luftwaffe would be waiting up sun to drop in on them. 

Spit Is and Vs vs 109Es and Fs.  We keep talking about balance. That would be about as even as you could get and the fight would be intense and fast.

The RAF would run 2 to 3 raids a day.   The B of B vets were on their last operational flights.  Sailor Malan was pulled off Ops.  Douglas Bader was shot down August 8th and became a POW.   Adolph Galland finished up his combat flying, at least until the very end.

With the numbers of players these days, the fight would be condensed due to the range restrictions of the Spits. 

11 Group Fighter Wings vs JG2 and JG 26

Who could ask for more? :)

Sounds AWESOME!!!     :banana:
The Few ***

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Next 12 Hour Event Needs To Be.....
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2016, 12:57:20 AM »
Sounds AWESOME!!!     :banana:

I think it would be.  It wouldn't be much bomber stuff as basically the few mediums that the RAF sent were to draw the LW up.

Figure the RAF Wings from 11 Group, Biggin Hill, Kenley, Northolt, Tangmere, Hornchurch with three squadrons at each.  The LW would be spread out similarly with JG2 and 26.

Use dates from May, June, July and August, finishing with August 8th the day Bader was shot down.  Start with Small groups of 109Fs and Spit Vs to go with the majority Spit Is and 109Es.  Every month add more Fs and Vbs and shrink the Es and Is.  By the August 8 date have it all 5s vs 109Fs. 

It would be fighter pilot heaven and a real war of attrition, which it was in reality.  The RAF lost a lot of pilots and planes trying to keep the LW busy to help keep the pressure off the Russians.  Of course by that time they were better equipped to handle those kinds of losses.

It's interesting to read up on that time as the over claiming and the friendly fire kills were really an issue.  Bader in fact was downed by an RAF pilot based on the evidence that's been gathered over the years.  During the Bader fight, the RAF claimed 13 kills while actually only downing 1.  The Luftwaffe claimed 8 Spitfires, but only downed 2 while of the 5 Spits lost three were friendly fire including Bader.   Amazing stuff.

Now imagine this in AH3 with the clouds and lighting.  Throw in the possibility of friendly fire in the event and who knows how it might reflect what happened back in the day
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 12:59:04 AM by Guppy35 »
8th FS "Headhunters