The biggest difference in opinion comes from two types. Those that play the game and to who fly a plane. For me, I've done most all opportunities over the years. In that time the game has been adjusted to suit whines or improve graphics. Many adjustments have been to the extreme. 4 minutes to 30 minutes is extreme. That's 7.2 times the previous amount. Read the op. He Flys bombers, you don't. He spent 2 hours in the air to make anot her separate mission possible. Meaning, because of the way the strategy system is set up, his softie must happen before ANY other offensive operation can effectively begin. Now he does not want it, nobody does. It precipitates through the team to result in No offensive action being taken. Have you played lately? Do you see how incessantly boring the game is? Did you notice player numbers down 75-80%? And finally are YOU GOING TO FLY 2 HOURS IN A BOMBER TO EFFECTIVELY DO NOTHING? nope. Again, like most have said. Try the middle road, ten minutes, that 2.5 times the amount we lived with for the last year. P.s. having straps spread about the map is not as logical as centralised straps. Again, not sure why ht had to do the drastic step of removing central straps? The problem was with moving the location, not being centralized. If they left central strats in the rear we would be happier campers. Nope, extreme decisions rule the day, been that way 4 eva.