Author Topic: Are patches still a thing?  (Read 804 times)

Offline Wildcat1

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Are patches still a thing?
« on: October 28, 2016, 02:50:39 AM »
One of my favorite parts about any scenario was getting the commemorative patch at the end. I understand it takes time and money, but, did this go away? I can imagine you need a certain number of sales, and with the turnout being so low the past few years...

I'd be willing to pitch in to make some commemorative item, maybe a poster or something. They've moved me to the media department on the ship, so now I have free access to a state-of-the-art print shop. I could get something cooking.
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Offline DubiousKB

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Re: Are patches still a thing?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2016, 10:32:23 AM »
I've never gotten one, and would be interested if the cost didn't mean i'd have to put a 2nd mortgage on my igloo...  :devil  What kind of cost did 'toon pilots end up with previously?  :aok
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Offline Hajo

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Re: Are patches still a thing?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2016, 06:37:47 PM »
We had a Patch Fund.  Players contributed to it.  Last I recall a patch was around 5 dollars.  Brooke ran the patch fund and I imagine it was a pain in the arse.

Probably of note also that the patch fund may have dwindled to zero dollars.  You have to have a number of patches guaranteed and paid for before you can get

a reasonable price.  The patch fund needs contributors in order to make patches.  They ain't free, and a design has to be made and approved by all who wish and

contribute to the fund.  In essence you need a good number of people interested.  With the fall-off in numbers for scenarios it's probably not worth it.  Not everyone

wants a patch.   I have a nice large collection with a lot of great memories of past Scenarios.  Displayed with my die cast aircraft.  Looks great with my other patches

including the last mission patch from the group that flew the F-14 for the last time.
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Offline swareiam

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Re: Are patches still a thing?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2016, 02:06:08 AM »
Negative, Brooke stopped doing the patch contest because folks were not purchasing them. That stopped a few years ago.
AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
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Offline Sloehand

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Re: Are patches still a thing?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2016, 06:52:41 AM »
I have a fairly large group of patches, somewhere hidden.   :)  It starts with Der Grosse Schlag and I think 2 B.O.B's, 2 Rangoon's, the first Tunisia, and a couple more I don't remember the names of.  Was planning to put a wall display together, but a move from Seattle to Tri-cities, WA interrupted that plan.  I still have the patches boxed away though.

IMO it doesn't mean we can't test the waters so to speak. I'd hate to let a good tradition like that completely end.  It was fun to see all the proposed designs, and then vote on them.  I figure wWith so many graphically-inclined people amongst the current players - many like Devil505 who does plane skins and Guppy35 who builds aircraft representations for the Allies - I think we should at least ask if anyone has any ideas for patches to commemorate both Dnieper and then Tunisia.
Given the enthusiasm shown for this last scenario, many might want a remembrance.  At least we could get to see some creative designs I would imagine.  Then worry about if enough are willing to buy them to make it worthwhile.  And if Brooke is not interested in managing it, someone else might.

Anybody IN?
Jagdgeschwader 77

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Offline Brooke

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Re: Are patches still a thing?
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2016, 12:42:47 AM »
Hello, all.

I stopped making them some years ago.

I do still have a supply of them for all scenarios (except DGS) from Fire Over Malta up through Philippine Phandango.

If you want some, message me what you want, along with your mailing address, and I'll send them along if I have them.

Our twin girls were born 6 years ago, and I ran out of time to manage the process.