Where in my original post did I say that the Allies didn't do anything in Frame 3....
I haven't even read a post that said the Allies sucked up Frame 3...
And junky for you to say that the numbers "seemed" to favor the Allies is a gross understatement...being outnumbered by 10 "seems" to sway an outcome....being outnumbered by 30+ "seems" to be an unintended consequence of not always splitting the sides evenly...
And before you "realism" people come at me...I don't give a damn whether I'm outnumbered by 5 or 50...I enjoyed this event and wouldn't like to see it changed any if it were ran in the future...if it was, the only thing I would want changed is killing fighters should be worth something...
'If I were Allied CIC... I would have thrown my fighters which were worth nothing against the minimal Axis fighter presence...
you had multiple ponys that just flew around at 30k doing nothing
Total Axis dominance.... Again...

Numbers are tricky, I would say as a person who would choose AXIS over Allies any day(except when pigs are Allies) I'd rather fly against crazy odds...but I do agree numbers were off BUT that's a difficult slope and I'm pretty sure I've seen it both ways even in set scenarios....CMs/CiCs can't account for overall pilot skill which stick a Bruv on AXIS and boom....game changer.