An Atlanta big buck lawyer shot his wife from the back seat with his gun from the glove compartment. His story was the driver made a bad turn into a bad neighborhood. His wife sitting in the front seat handed him his gun at his request to him in the back seat. His story is he feel asleep with the gun held and laying in his lap, woke up startled and pulled the trigger by accident shooting her through the seat in the back.
Guns have their place but it takes a very cool head to protect with lethal weapons. Note the number of bad decisions police personal have made. What we need is a better testing method for CCW and police type jobs to weed out people that made bad decisions under pressure.
Now i do not have have any real food storage but here in the USA I really should with with some over due natural disasters looming. Just makes sense to have a few MRE's on hand if things happened. I do not have any but should have.
Well I myself have made dozens of good decisions under pressure with firearms and Im nobody special. In fact thousands of legally armed Americans make good decisions every day that you never hear of.
You hear the few "allegations" cause they sell newspapers and then somehow transpose those "few allegations" into a thing you call "common" in a country of 330,000,000 people that crosses four time zones. The truth is CCW incidents are extremely rare, I havnt heard of one in a city of 3,000,000 since they instituted the Law. And there is no way to weed out people for bad decisions they might make in the future. The Pre-Crime unit isnt up and running yet.
I wouldnt be so quick to criticize on a subject you seem to know little of. After you chase a gangster for a few blocks, exchange fire with him, find him 10 mins later full of holes and the gun recirculating in the neighborhood armory, then come back and lecture me on the bad decisions Police make. Its gotten to the point the only good decision is to make no decision and as long as he's running away from you why risk your freedom and paycheck?