Author Topic: some stats (I'm bored, that's all)  (Read 2284 times)

Offline Hristo

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some stats (I'm bored, that's all)
« on: January 25, 2000, 01:57:00 AM »
Here are Tour 1 K/D ratios (as of Jan 25th, 8.30 GMT+1). The sample is still very small, except for cannon Hog, whose number of kills is already greater than it used to be for whole beta tour for Macchi.

Plane       K/D

F4u-1C      2.28 !!
Fw 190A-8   1.20

George      0.92
Spit IX     0.91
109G-6      0.86
P 51D       0.82
La 5FN      0.72
C 205       0.70
109F-4      0.65*
F4U-1D      0.63
109G-10     0.61
109G-2      0.38*

* means that the plane has very few kills and deaths, so K/D might be off quite a bit after few days.

Your thoughts, plase  

Here are mine.

Cannon Hog kills everything in the arena. Either everyone who understands of lethality has moved to it, or it really disbalances the arena (700+ kills, compared to miserable 50+ kills of 109G-10, for example).

Poor turning ability, poor six view did not hurt the Hog much, it seems. Everyone is on the recieving end.

It's a new plane, so this should not be disregarded. Everyone wants to try it, I guess.

Its record might also have something to do with prevailing HO mentality in AH.

190 is same as before, and I'd say the quality of pilots has most to do with its record. They all flew WB A-8, and now they feel like they have wings  

Big-guns-good-turn planes hold 0.9* K/D ratio. It might be far better if those weren't the one way ticket planes, used to defend vulched fields.

Moderate turners, moderate guns hold 0.8*-0.7* K/D. Fair enough. My guess is that few have taken time to explore these planes fully and fly them correctly.

Now, my real question is who is guilty for such a lousy record of the G-10 ? It is a superb machine, and you waste it so easy. Bah  

G-2 has indeed poor record, but it wasn't flown that much, so things can change. Still, it is a good all round plane, comparable to Macchi, guns somewhat weaker.

Offline leonid

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« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2000, 02:36:00 AM »
Still too early to tell, but I hope there is some form of RPS-type restriction for such planes.  My plane is the La-5FN, and while still a competitive aircraft with all this hard-hitting, late war hardware, the La-5FN is slowly being pushed out as a viable choice.  

I really don't want to be forced into a F4U-1C, Fw 190A-8, or N1K2, but I don't want to spend my time, getting pasted by hordes of spray-n'-pray corsair hispano cannons.

ingame: Raz

Offline janneh

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« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2000, 02:38:00 AM »
Well, this one is easy:

F4U-1C is way overmodelled, fix it asap !

More power to G-2 !
More fuel to G-2 !
More guns to G-2 !
More ammo to G-2 !
More TnB capability to G-2 !
More BnZ capability to G-2 !
More E capability to G-2 !
More visibility to G-2 !
More any other-god-darn-thing to G-2 !

Oh, did I mentioned, F4U-1C is way overmodelled.

Now that I call a thorough, scientific analysis, eh ?

Interesting to see how that ugly P-38 will affect to K/D's. I'll bet it'll be number 1.

"Flying Finns"

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2000, 04:30:00 AM »
Well said Janne  

I've been flying the G2 mostly, surprise surprise.  I think the modelling was pretty good in the last version.  I haven't tried the 1.00 yet, looks like I have to go crank that ratio up a bit  


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Offline fats

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« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2000, 04:55:00 AM »
Ok I admit, G-2's poor K/D is entirely my fault, came on-line to fly at around 4am after some nice work day.

One problem I had was that my con was really poor, and so was everyone else's by the ammount of "you're warping" on chan 100. With  F4U-1C it ain't too bad cause all you need is 1 hit, but with G-2 you gotta pour in a solid burst of single 20mm to get anything done.



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« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2000, 06:26:00 AM »
"Cannon Hog kills everything in the arena."

So does the N1K2, FW-190, yada yada...

It was just the shock of the new. This is, after all, the -1D with cannons. The FM hasn't changed. After the novelty wears off, you'll see a lot less of the the plane than you do now. Almost everyone was flying one last night, what would you expect k/d ratio to be?

Spinny, VF-17, The Jolly Rogers 8X

Offline leonid

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« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2000, 06:50:00 AM »
Spinny said:
So does the N1K2, FW-190, yada yada...

Not quite, Spinny.  Only two planes go faster than a F4U-1C: P-51D, and possibly, Bf 109G-10.  With the N1K2 it was at least six planes who were faster, and with the Fw 190, about five.

ingame: Raz

Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2000, 07:06:00 AM »
Oh my the Uber Hog whine has begun.

And just as I predicted a couple of days ago on this BBS, the Luftwaffe contingent is leading the cry of "Its OVERMODELED!!" Chill out guys, x4 20mm cannons are not the exclusive right of the Fw190  

My impression is that it is very similar to the FW190 (especially with the new MW50 WEP modeling, which many have overlooked in their rush to try out the new plane).

Yes the cannons are lethal. So are the 190's and the N1K2's.

But it has some very obvious weakness's too. Poor climb, poor acceleration, slower than the P-51 & Me109, same approximate speed as 190.

The Hog is very vulnerable if caught with inferior E. Just ask Dingy, he handed me my head last night when his Pony jumped my Hog with just about a 3K advantage. Nice flying Dingy  

Give it a week or two, and you won't see anymore -1C's than you do 190's and N1K2's. In fact, I bet you still see more N1K2's, since they appeal to the larger TnB crowd.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure,
Dicta Verm: "Never give the suckers an even break!" or translated "Never engage without an advantage"


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« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2000, 07:07:00 AM »
What Verm said.

Spinny, VF-17, The Jolly Rogers 8X

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2000, 07:23:00 AM »
Right on Verm.

One thing nobody has mentioned, the La5 can catch a Hawg as well.  So as far as flat-out speed, you have to be careful of 190's, 51's, 109's, and La5's.  The LW planes are very dangerouse because the accellerate much better than the hawg, and out-climb it to boot.  You also need to be very careful of N1k's, as they accell well and can catch you in the verticle if you give them 1/2 a chance.

BTW, I've flown the F4U-1D almost exclusively for months, and it feels right to me.  The 1C is identical as far as FM goes.  This plane is not the best at ANYTHING in the arena, and yet the "overmodelled" whining starts already.  My gawd this thing climbs like a brick, the only thing it can do is hold E well, and even then you must be very gentle with it.  The 51 is better as an E fighter to boot.

FYI, my K/D has NOT changed with the 1C.  I got just as many kills with the .50 cal version.  Yes, this one is more lethal, so I expect my k/d to go up a bit, but in all other respects it's identical to the 1D.  Funny, I never heard anybody crying about the F4U-1D being "overmodelled".  Well, not too often anyway, and that was only when I slapped some dweeb down and got the obligatory "The F4U can't out-turn my Spitball!  You must be cheating!" response.

Sigh, from being the dog of the arena to "uber-plane" over night.  Yeah right.  I can just imagine the screaming when the P-38L gets introduced. <G>

Verm, you are right about not seeing F4U's as much soon.  Not too many pilots have the patience required to do a climb-out at 2.25k fpm to 15k before they engage.  

The Flying Pigs

[This message has been edited by Lephturn (edited 01-25-2000).]

Offline Hristo

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« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2000, 07:30:00 AM »
Calm down, guys, calm down. Nobody will take it away from you like they did in WB. Why so paranoic about whines when there weren't any (yet) ?

LW is whining about the Hog ?!?! Didn't see any whines in this thread, just the fact how many kills Hog made.

I did not have the slightest intention to call the Hog ubermodeled. A little disbalancing maybe, but not overmodeled      

No whines from LW that I saw in this thread. More like whine responses of people who were expecting the whines and prepared themselves.

But judging by the nervous reactions ("Luftwaffe contingent leading the whine..."), it is like some doubt their own opinion.

I'd worry much more about constant poor record of the G-10. Damn, guys, the plane is a jewel, and you lose 2 for downing 1 plane !! Why is that ?

[This message has been edited by Hristo (edited 01-25-2000).]

Offline Westy

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« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2000, 07:36:00 AM »
 I was snacking on F4U's for quite a bit last night flying my C205. I found nothing different. Just yet *another* cannon equipped , radial engined aircraft. We already had the N1K and the FW. <yawn>
 If it got on my six I was as dead as if it were 6 .50's let alone 4 20mm.


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 01-25-2000).]

Offline Gator

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« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2000, 08:49:00 AM »
... that ugly P-38 ...

Ugly?!?!?!!  Man, them's fightin' words!!  

I guess beauty _is_ in the eye of the beholder ... best lookin' WWII a/c to me: P-38, 109, P-51 ...  

Offline juzz

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« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2000, 09:21:00 AM »
especially with the new MW50 WEP modeling, which many have overlooked in their rush to try out the new plane

Actually I think it's the extra injector in the supercharger that's being approximated by the WEP. Even with this improvement it only gets to 400mph at 20k.

Offline Fatty

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« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2000, 03:09:00 PM »
Before screaming for a reworked fm, keep a couple of things in perspective.

  It's a new plane, so this should not be   disregarded. Everyone wants to try it, I   guess.

Not only is this the case, but only the more experienced pilots are going to know its a new plane, and try it.  (all other things being equal, those more familiar with the game are going to be better)

Also, the k/d will never be a gauge for wither the plane is modelled correctly because it is the primary choice for vultching (firepower + plenty of ammo).  This probably pushed the 190 up some as well.

(one a them FDBs)