Right now I'm having to visit about 100 runways on a terrain from the air to look for problems.
The sharpest and longest range rendering of the runways will happen if you turn off post lighting and push all of your detail sliders to the right. Some of you will take FPS hits and even have rendering stuttering at that point. There will be a trade off point between range and clarity or, the real performance capability of your video card and your choice of texture mode and in game graphics settings that will limit seeing clear runways. Even the MA default of haze\fog layer can effect at what distance you will see a clear runway. Since Hitech first introduced a full MA environment for testing back in the closed alpha, this has been the best offering of graphics performance adjustments.
As for the misaligned entry point for aircraft integrated into an airfield object, report the location in the bug forum. That is a bug which needs to get on the to do list.