Hard stands are common airfield lingo for ww2 military fields. A parking pad......
Depending on how the terrain builder orients the super large airfield, it looks like the hard stand spawns will change on the clipboard spawn pad. The terrain builder can orient any square object like an airfield to the four cardinal directions.
Below you can see a screen capture of a super large airfield. The yellow arrows are the two hard stand parking pads that fighters spawn to. The arrow points in the direction your fighter's nose will always face when you spawn on that pad. The red lines are the full and un obstructed take off lanes you have. You won't get a 262 with full fuel or most fighters with heavy jabo load outs off of there because of trees. You will get normal fighters off those hard stands.
I suppose this is where someone pulls out the "triple ot 50mm rage shot" and shoots off about the BS inconvenience and the game has to be changed or something like that. In all the time I was testing this base from two years ago I never knew Waffle opted for the hard stand spawns. Took about 10min offline to identify them and map the take off lanes from them. Guess that's why initially I thought they were a fighter entry point object misplacement. Nope, these are Waffle nuggets.......