Thank you, guys.
Hajo and Fudgums, please don't let a few negative posts throw you off -- there are lots of guys in the community, me included, who would love to fly with you guys.
Even guys who post a negative post, they are still our brothers in arms who love flying in Aces High. Their hearts are in the right place even if emotions sometimes run high.
Come on in, guys! Newer generations of Aces High pilots will benefit from the atmosphere you guys bring, and you will love the action! 
Brooke I hope these folks know that scenarios wouldn't have occurred if we hadn't dragged the format over from Air Warrior. As in Air Warrior you were the one in Aces High
that brought this format back. Started it in Aces High. There would be no scenarios without you in Aces High and YOU were the driving force in Air Warrior. You are due way
more respect then you are given. I would never post on these boards the derogatory responses focused on your gamesmanship. These folks that participate in these scenarios
owe you much. You put up with their crap, whining and now insults and you don't have to. Brooke I can't participate, or say I won't participate with so many ingrates and children.
To me it's the respect or should I say lack thereof of some of these children who have no idea from whence this format came, and who started it in Aces High, and you take all the
abuse for spending your personal time when I know you have a family to tend to. I remember also the complaining and whimpering about Fencer and Guppy for DGSII. OH! and the
insults they also received about DGSII. I, at my age do not suffer children well........supposedly grown-up children. I apologize Brooke, you know I've participated in Scenarios in
AW and most of them in Aces High. Brooke you are owed much......and receive poo instead. Let them find some one else to waste hours of personal time to design Scenarios and receive nothing but grief for doing so.
You Sir deserve a break and nothing but good will from this community. Instead you get this. By participating imho I would be condoning their behavior. And I don't.