Author Topic: Ground to air gunnery practice in custom arenas  (Read 3139 times)

Offline mustng2

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Ground to air gunnery practice in custom arenas
« on: January 24, 2017, 10:32:14 AM »
I uploaded a staged mission for ground to air gunnery practice that can only be used in a custom arena so thought I would mention it here.  See the post in the staged mission forum and instructions below.

1. Create a custom arena ndisles terrain
2. Go to staged missions, select GNDTOAIR
3. Check load mission settings
4. Load mission
5. Click on populate mission.
6. Assign your self to one of the Axis planes
7. Click on start mission
8. Click on start now
9. When the mission comes up, bail and end sortie
10. Click on kill mission
11. Move to field A40 in sector 9,7
12. Select a Wirbel, Osti, M16 or field gun and spawn in the hanger
13. Go to staged missions, select GNDTOAIR
14. Load Mission
15. Start Mission (do not click on populate)
16. Start now
17. 5 or 6 P51's will dive on the field and 3 sets of bombers will fly over at 5k, try to shoot them. You can position your self so they are diving at you or passing to the side.  Select one of the enemy planes with shift tab and the lead computing cross hair comes up.
18. Click on kill mission after the enemy planes have passed.
19. Repeat steps 13 to 18.  Note that you have 10 time the normal ammo load.  Steps 2 through 10 are just to get you in the right country which is Knights for the mission arena settings.

Offline Rodent57

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Re: Ground to air gunnery practice in custom arenas
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2017, 02:22:47 PM »
Very cool! :aok
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Offline Puma44

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Re: Ground to air gunnery practice in custom arenas
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2017, 09:51:35 AM »
Excellent post!  Didn't realize the lead computing sight could be used from the ground.  Now, maybe I can hit one of those high flyers once in a while.

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Offline mustng2

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Re: Ground to air gunnery practice in custom arenas
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2017, 10:08:42 AM »
Thanks, let me know if you think of any changes you would like to see.