Hello, tunes here ... This is my After Action Report.
I want to start out thanking Noser "Ron" for running all the test flights in the practice arena.
Also as B17
RED FLIGHT leader. Great job and thank you.
As a Squadron Commander in the MA. Every time I have the privilege to
write up the CiC orders. It is always a challenge to get orders out on time.
Designing an Attack where your fellow Pilots live or die by the quality of you decisions,
weigh on you. We all like to have a good time at "This Thing We Do". So this is on your mine.
All thou late, Orders were vetted by the LCA officers as "OK to Fly".
Risky yes. But what is an attack in war but risky.
Comments: The limited time of engagement by the 47's and 38's was noted in the orders.
"Power to be reduced to max cruse once at Altitude". Although that's a tough one to
effectively use fuel management. I due think DT wither historically available would
have been nice to have.
First Contact: Reported by Dantoo.
GREEN FLIGHT, that the North Flight just overflew
a German CV was not noticed in the planning German Arena setup.
The fact that the Germans had no CV. They had many ships at sea
that would and did report aircraft activity's. So wither it should have been
there is of note but is one of those Fog Of War things.
Reported to CM: The bug in the JOIN command was a big concern when reported.
A LCA Pilot, Climber who had PC Disco problems, came back to the arena.
Flight was disabled. So he did try to join as a gunner. Got the error message.
Following Order Requests: I do thank all Squad leaders for instructing Pilots the mantra.
"All down Pilots will offer to join B17's to be a gunner on Country text".
I say many Pilots offering to. Then reporting "Could not Join".
Axis: I have seen some comments by the Axis Side about gunning.
Be glade the join request was not working as you would have had
a full time gunner back there. And we all know the fortress is a
wing taker, window maker for attacking fighters.
Axis Pilots: I complement the axis Bf110 pilots that deployed the Air to Air Rocket Armaments.
It was reported by the 51's and 47's back that they where effective on B17 formations.
WTG ... as most pilots despise the drag and find them hard to use.
Compliments: I cant say enough about the Allies Squadrons Following the orders.
Flight Plans and overall professional execution. WTG ...
Complaints: The only Command disappointments I saw where twice.
Some poor Allied Piloting flashed enemy bases on the B17's flight path before the first
formation turn. Who ever those Pilots are. KP for the rest of the FSO
Thank you all for a great fun time.
tunes <S>