after i saved as a ansi type the error is now gone. i waiting for the program to finish. i think it may have froze at fixing ground types...

yes, the program stops at fixing ground types. i have tried twice. the second try the recognition of failure was fast. i did notice with both runs the times for the output test from my video card were longer, over a minute for the last one. also, the computer spent a long time fixing ground types before recognizing failure, the first run.
- Loading Profile from config.ini
- Version: 1.10
- Latitude, longitude range and scale
Lat: 41.312 48.728
Lon: 79.305 89.795
Scale: 1.000
- Loading ground type mapping europe.csv
- Loading GlobCover Data.
- Loading Digital Elevations Model data.
- Loading & processing shores data.
-- Total segments:1185357, maximal segment lenght:58.459
- Loading & processing rivers data...
--- Total river segments: 7003; max river segment length 7.907
- Updateing altitudes...
-- Converting water bodies to elevations map
--- Iceles and Lakes
--- Rivers
-- Calculating elevation modifications to bring water to 0 feet
Using:OpenCL solver running on GPU: GeForce GTX 745; computing units=3
Grid| Vertices| Time (s)|Iterations| Bandwidth GB/s
256x256| 63959| 0.125| 319| 8.889
512x512| 255813| 0.359| 429| 14.671
1024x1024| 1023224| 1.938| 705| 17.959
2048x2048| 4092703| 11.078| 1082| 19.402
4096x4096| 16370512| 61.339| 1545| 20.010
Total optimization time 74.839 s
Maximal correction range max=13222.000 min=-535.000
Maximal land modificationt to below 0 alt 2232
- Fixing ground types...