Look man.
If your base ammo dump goes boom, and the supply becomes finite? Command will ration and redistribute the ammo as they deem necessary. Nobody will have a full load, but everyone will have something. "Make em count" would be the message of the day.
Seems natural, that if you spawn from a base with destroyed ammo dumps, it should limit your ammo loadouts. Of ALL types! "Such is War"
, as they say!
It ain't about, "FAIR", it's about WAR.
This is a "war game" after all, right? 
The key word is game, not war. If it isn't atleast a bit fair people would not play being on the short end of the stick all the time.
I love this!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Happens with fuel now. Take out base fuel and fuel strat and fuel options are limited (at least the DTs are taken out).
Years ago you could pork fuel down to 25% at a field so the most a plane could up with was 25% fuel. Was fun seeing the LAs drop out so fast. The problem became an issue when it was the "go to" play. A few fields would get porked and no one could up to defend due to low fuel, and before any of you say "well defend against the porkers!", how many of you have successively done the same thing with those radar killing 190s?
So it was changed so that it couldnt impact the game so much, just like the dar height changes that slowed the "goto" plan of NOE after NOE, or the time HQ is down, or the number of lbs of ord needed to get it down.
You dont want game options that chase away your customers.